первая строка проходит, следующая нет, сообщение-неправильный параметр, как работать с параметрами в цикле?
- Код: Выделить всё
b = DgvMutation.Rows.Count
For c = 0 To b - 1
ordre_tache = CInt(DgvMutation.Rows.Item(c).Cells(0).Value)
no_inscription = DgvMutation.Rows.Item(c).Cells(1).Value
mat10_origine = DgvMutation.Rows.Item(c).Cells(2).Value
lotResiduel = DgvMutation.Rows.Item(c).Cells(3).Value
ActionLotResiduel = DgvMutation.Rows.Item(c).Cells(4).Value
lotTransf = DgvMutation.Rows.Item(c).Cells(5).Value
ActionLotTransferes = DgvMutation.Rows.Item(c).Cells(6).Value
UEVTransfer = DgvMutation.Rows.Item(c).Cells(7).Value
sql = "insert into table(FID, NO_INSCRIPTION, ORDRE_TACHE, MAT10_ORIGINE, ACTION_LOT_RESIDUEL, ACTION_LOT_TRANS, MAT10_TRANSFERT) VALUES LBPA_SEQ_MUT_TACHE.nextval, '" + no_inscription.ToString + "', ?, '" + mat10_origine + "', ?, ?, '" + UEVTransfer + "')"
' commandeInsert2.Transaction = TransactionInsert
With commandeInsert2
.Connection = ObjConn
.CommandType = CommandType.Text
.CommandText = sql
End With
Dim prmOrdre_tache1 As OleDbParameter = commandeInsert2.Parameters.Add("@ordre_tache", OleDbType.Integer)
prmOrdre_tache1.Value = CInt(ordre_tache)
Dim prmActionResidu As OleDbParameter = commandeInsert2.Parameters.Add("@ACTION_LOT_RESIDUEL", OleDbType.Char)
prmActionResidu.Value = ActionLotResiduel
Dim prmActionTR As OleDbParameter = commandeInsert2.Parameters.Add("@ACTION_LOT_TRANS", OleDbType.Char)
prmActionTR.Value = ActionLotTransferes
With commandeInsert3
.Connection = ObjConn
.CommandType = CommandType.Text
.CommandText = "insert into " + Ville.ToString + ".LBPA_MUTATION_LOT_RESIDUEL (FID, NO_INSCRIPTION, ORDRE_TACHE, NUM_LOT) VALUES (" + Ville + ".LBPA_SEQ_LOT_RESID.nextval, '" + no_inscription + "', ?, '" + lotResiduel + "' )"
End With
Dim prmOrdre_tache2 As OleDbParameter = commandeInsert3.Parameters.Add("@ordre_tache", OleDbType.Integer)
prmOrdre_tache2.Value = CInt(ordre_tache)
With commandeInsert4
.Connection = ObjConn
.CommandType = CommandType.Text
.CommandText = "insert into " + Ville + ".LBPA_MUTATION_LOT_TRANS (FID, NO_INSCRIPTION, ORDRE_TACHE, NUM_LOT) VALUES ("LBPA_SEQ_LOT_trans.nextval, '" + no_inscription + "', ?, '" + lotTransferes + "' )"
End With
Dim prmOrdre_tache3 As OleDbParameter = commandeInsert4.Parameters.Add("@ordre_tache", OleDbType.Integer)
prmOrdre_tache3.Value = CInt(ordre_tache)
Catch ex As Exception
MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Message d'alerte", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)
End Try