13GHOST писал(а):Чё за QuickSort ?
Option Explicit
'Private Declare Sub qsort Lib "ntdll" (base As Any, ByVal num As Long, ByVal width As Long, ByVal compare As Long)
'Private Declare Function VarCmp Lib "oleaut32" (ByVal pvarLeft As Variant, ByVal pvarRight As Variant, ByVal lcid As Long, ByVal dwFlags As Long) As Long
Public Declare Function LoadLibrary Lib "kernel32" Alias "LoadLibraryA" (ByVal lpLibFileName As String) As Long
Public Declare Function GetProcAddress Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hModule As Long, ByVal lpProcName As String) As Long
Public Declare Function FreeLibrary Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hLibModule As Long) As Long
Public Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (Dest As Any, Src As Any, ByVal Length As Long)
Public Declare Function CallWindowProc Lib "user32" Alias "CallWindowProcA" (ByVal lpFunc As Long, ByVal Param1 As Long, ByVal Param2 As Long, ByVal Param3 As Long, ByVal Param4 As Long) As Long
Dim hModule1 As Long, EntryPoint As Long
Dim hModule2 As Long, VarCmp As Long
Dim Thunk(0 To 32) As Byte
Dim Comparer(0 To 24) As Byte
Public Sub Initialize()
hModule1 = LoadLibrary("ntdll")
EntryPoint = GetProcAddress(hModule1, "qsort")
hModule2 = LoadLibrary("oleaut32")
VarCmp = GetProcAddress(hModule2, "VarCmp")
CopyMemory Thunk(0), &H102474FF, 4 'FF742410 push dword ptr [esp+10h]
CopyMemory Thunk(4), &H102474FF, 4 'FF742410 push dword ptr [esp+10h]
CopyMemory Thunk(8), &H102474FF, 4 'FF742410 push dword ptr [esp+10h]
CopyMemory Thunk(12), &H102474FF, 4 'FF742410 push dword ptr [esp+10h]
CopyMemory Thunk(16), &H6E8, 2 'E806000000 call $+6
CopyMemory Thunk(21), &H10C483, 3 '83C410 add esp, 10h
CopyMemory Thunk(24), &H10C2, 2 'C21000 ret 10h
Thunk(27) = &H68 '68xxxxxxxx push xxxxxxxx
CopyMemory Thunk(28), EntryPoint, 4
Thunk(32) = &HC3 'C3 ret
Comparer(0) = &H6A '6A00 push 0
Comparer(2) = &H6A '6A00 push 0
CopyMemory Comparer(4), &H102474FF, 4 'FF742410 push dword ptr [esp+10h]
CopyMemory Comparer(8), &H102474FF, 4 'FF742410 push dword ptr [esp+10h]
CopyMemory Comparer(12), &H2E8, 2 'E802000000 call $+2
Comparer(17) = &H48 '48 dec eax
Comparer(18) = &HC3 'C3 ret
Comparer(19) = &H68 '68xxxxxxxx push xxxxxxxx
CopyMemory Comparer(20), VarCmp, 4
Comparer(24) = &HC3 'C3 ret
End Sub
Public Sub Terminate()
FreeLibrary hModule1
FreeLibrary hModule2
End Sub
Public Sub SystemSort(SortArray())
CallWindowProc VarPtr(Thunk(0)), VarPtr(SortArray(LBound(SortArray))), UBound(SortArray) - LBound(SortArray) + 1, 16, VarPtr(Comparer(0))
End Sub
Sub Main()
Dim i As Long, MyArr(-800 To 4000), StartTime As Single
Randomize Timer
For i = LBound(MyArr) To UBound(MyArr)
MyArr(i) = Rnd * 800
StartTime = Timer
SystemSort MyArr
Debug.Print Round(Timer - StartTime, 4)
End Sub
Sub ShellSort(sort() As String)'сортирует массив sort() в алфавитном порядке
Dim span As Integer, temp As String
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer
span = UBound(sort()) \ 2
Do While span > 0
For i = span To UBound(sort()) - 1
j = i - span + 1
For j = (i - span + 1) To 1 Step -span
If sort(j) <= sort(j + span) Then Exit For
temp = sort(j)
sort(j) = sort(j + span)
sort(j + span) = temp
Next j
Next i
span = span \ 2
End Sub
Private Declare Sub qsort CDecl Lib "ntdll" (base As Any, ByVal num As Long, ByVal width As Long, ByVal compare As Long)
Bad DLL calling convention (Error 49)
This error has the following causes and solutions:
Your Declare statement includes CDecl.
The CDecl keyword applies only to the Macintosh.
mad_Max писал(а):При чем тут только Macintosh...
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