Public Enum APISystemColors
scScrollbar = 0
scBackground = 1
scActiveCaption = 2
scInactiveCaption = 3
scMenu = 4
scWindow = 5
scWindowFrame = 6
scMenuText = 7
scWindowText = 8
scCaptionText = 9
scActiveBorder = 10
scInactiveBorder = 11
scAppWorkspace = 12
scHighlight = 13
scHighlightText = 14
scBtnFace = 15
scBtnShadow = 16
scGrayText = 17
scBtnText = 18
scInactiveCaptionText = 19
scBtnHighlight = 20
sc3DDkShadow = 21
sc3DLight = 22
scInfoText = 23
scInfoBackground = 24
scHotLight = 26
scGradientActiveCaption = 27
scGradientInactiveCaption = 28
scDesktop = scBackground
sc3DFace = scBtnFace
sc3DShadow = scBtnShadow
sc3DHighlight = scBtnHighlight
sc3DHilight = scBtnHighlight
scBtnHilight = scBtnHighlight
End Enum
Public Declare Function GetSysColor Lib "user32.dll" (ByVal ColorIndex As APISystemColors) As Long
X As Long
Y As Long
Red As Integer
Green As Integer
Blue As Integer
Alpha As Integer
End Type
Vertex1 As Long
Vertex2 As Long
Vertex3 As Long
End Type
UpperLeft As Long
LowerRight As Long
End Type
Public Enum GradientFillModes
End Enum
Public Declare Function GradientFill Lib "msimg32.dll" (ByVal hDC As Long, ptVertex As TRIVERTEX, ByVal VertexCount As Long, ptGradient As Any, ByVal GradientCount As Long, ByVal Mode As GradientFillModes) As Long
Public Function ReturnVertex(ByVal X As Long, ByVal Y As Long, ByVal Color As Long, Optional ByVal Alpha As Byte) As TRIVERTEX
Dim R As Byte, G As Byte, B As Byte, A As Byte
Const UnsignedWord As Long = &H10000, UnsignedSlide As Long = &H100&, UnsignedMask As Long = &HFFFF&
R = (Color And &HFF&)
G = ((Color And &HFF00&) \ &H100&)
B = ((Color And &HFF0000) \ &H10000)
A = ((Color And &HFF000000) \ &H1000000)
If Alpha > 0 Then A = Alpha
With ReturnVertex
.X = X
.Y = Y
.Alpha = A * UnsignedSlide - IIf(A < 128, 0, UnsignedWord)
.Red = R * UnsignedSlide - IIf(R < 128, 0, UnsignedWord)
.Green = G * UnsignedSlide - IIf(G < 128, 0, UnsignedWord)
.Blue = B * UnsignedSlide - IIf(B < 128, 0, UnsignedWord)
End With
End Function
Private Sub DrawGradientText(Control As PictureBox)
Dim S As String, C1 As Long, C2 As Long, ret As Long
C1 = GetSysColor(sc3DHighlight)
C2 = GetSysColor(sc3DFace)
ReDim V(0 To 1)
V(0) = ReturnVertex(Control.ScaleLeft, Control.ScaleTop + 1, C1)
V(1) = ReturnVertex(Control.ScaleLeft + Control.ScaleWidth, Control.ScaleTop + Control.ScaleHeight - 1, C2)
R.UpperLeft = 0
R.LowerRight = 1
On Error Resume Next
Call GradientFill(Control.hDC, V(0), ByVal 2&, R, ByVal 1&, GRADIENT_FILL_RECT_H)
If Err.Number <> 0 Then Control.BackColor = C1
On Error GoTo 0
S = Control.Tag
Control.CurrentY = Control.ScaleTop + Fix(Control.ScaleHeight / 2) - Control.TextHeight(S) / 2
Control.CurrentX = 4
Control.Print S;
End Sub
Picture1.Tag = "test"
RedrawModeLabel Picture1
Option Explicit
Private Type URGBA
Ignore1 As Byte
Red As Byte
Ignore2 As Byte
Green As Byte 'Ushort value
Ignore3 As Byte
Blue As Byte 'ushort value
Alpha As Integer 'ushort
End Type
Private Type TRIVERTEX
x As Long
y As Long
color As URGBA
End Type
UpperLeft As Long 'In reality this is a UNSIGNED Long
LowerRight As Long 'In reality this is a UNSIGNED Long
End Type
Const GRADIENT_FILL_RECT_H As Long = &H0 'In this mode, two endpoints describe a rectangle. The rectangle is
Const GRADIENT_FILL_RECT_V As Long = &H1 'In this mode, two endpoints describe a rectangle. The rectangle
Private Declare Function GradientFillRect Lib "msimg32" Alias "GradientFill" (ByVal hdc As Long, pVertex As TRIVERTEX, ByVal dwNumVertex As Long, pMesh As GRADIENT_RECT, ByVal dwNumMesh As Long, ByVal dwMode As Long) As Long
Private Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (Destination As Any, Source As Any, ByVal Length As Long)
Public Sub GradFill(hdc As Long, X1 As Long, Y1 As Long, X2 As Long, Y2 As Long, UpColor As OLE_COLOR, DownColor As OLE_COLOR, Optional Horizontal As Boolean)
Dim vert(1) As TRIVERTEX
With vert(0)
.x = X1
.y = Y1
.color = RGB2URGBA(UpColor)
End With
With vert(1)
.x = X2
.y = Y2
.color = RGB2URGBA(DownColor)
End With
gRect.UpperLeft = 0
gRect.LowerRight = 1
If Horizontal Then
GradientFillRect hdc, vert(0), 2, gRect, 1, GRADIENT_FILL_RECT_H
GradientFillRect hdc, vert(0), 2, gRect, 1, GRADIENT_FILL_RECT_V
End If
End Sub
Private Function RGB2URGBA(color As Long) As URGBA
Dim ret As URGBA
ret.Red = Long2Bytes(color)(0)
ret.Green = Long2Bytes(color)(1)
ret.Blue = Long2Bytes(color)(2)
End Function
Private Function Long2Bytes(ByVal InVar As Long) As Byte()
Dim ret(3) As Byte
CopyMemory ret(0), InVar, 4
Long2Bytes = ret
End Function
Private Sub Form_Paint()
GradFill Me.hdc, 0, 0, Me.Width / Screen.TwipsPerPixelX, Me.Height / _
Screen.TwipsPerPixelY, RGB(128, 15, 200), RGB(0, 248, 56)
End Sub
r = 255
g = 0
b = 0
For ly6 = 0 To Pic.ScaleHeight
nCol = RGB(r - (ly6 * (r - 255)) / Pic.ScaleHeight, g - (ly6 * (g - 255)) / Pic.ScaleHeight, b - (ly6 * (b - 255)) / Pic.ScaleHeight)
nCol = RGB(r - (ly6 * r) / Pic.ScaleHeight, g - (ly6 * g) / Pic.ScaleHeight, b - (ly6 * b) / Pic.ScaleHeight)
Pic.Line (-1, -1)-(Pic.ScaleWidth, ly6), nCol, B
Sub Fade(obj As Object, Optional vRed As Variant, _
Optional vGreen As Variant, Optional vBlue As Variant, _
Optional vVert As Variant, Optional vHoriz As Variant, _
Optional vLightToDark As Variant)
' Give all optional arguments default values
If IsMissing(vRed) Then vRed = False
If IsMissing(vBlue) Then vBlue = False
If IsMissing(vGreen) Then vGreen = False
If Not vRed And Not vGreen Then vBlue = True ' Color required
If IsMissing(vVert) Then vVert = False
If IsMissing(vHoriz) Then vHoriz = False: vVert = True
If IsMissing(vLightToDark) Then vLightToDark = True
' Trap errors
On Error Resume Next
With obj
' Save properties
Dim fAutoRedraw As Boolean, ordDrawStyle As Integer
Dim ordDrawMode As Integer, iDrawWidth As Integer
Dim ordScaleMode As Integer
Dim rScaleWidth As Single, rScaleHeight As Single
fAutoRedraw = .AutoRedraw: iDrawWidth = .DrawWidth
ordDrawStyle = .DrawStyle: ordDrawMode = .DrawMode
rScaleWidth = .ScaleWidth: rScaleHeight = .ScaleHeight
ordScaleMode = .ScaleMode
' Err set if object lacks one of previous properties
If Err Then Exit Sub
' If you get here, object is OK (Printer lacks AutoRedraw)
On Error GoTo 0
fAutoRedraw = .AutoRedraw
' Set properties required for fade
.AutoRedraw = True
.DrawWidth = 2 ' Required for dithering
.DrawStyle = vbInsideSolid: .DrawMode = vbCopyPen
.ScaleMode = vbPixels
.ScaleWidth = 256 * 2: .ScaleHeight = 256 * 2
Dim clr As Long, i As Integer, x As Integer, y As Integer
Dim iRed As Integer, iGreen As Integer, iBlue As Integer
For i = 0 To 255
' Set line color
If vLightToDark Then
If vRed Then iRed = 255 - i
If vBlue Then iBlue = 255 - i
If vGreen Then iGreen = 255 - i
If vRed Then iRed = i
If vBlue Then iBlue = i
If vGreen Then iGreen = i
End If
clr = RGB(iRed, iGreen, iBlue)
' Draw each line of fade
If vVert Then
obj.Line (0, y)-(.ScaleWidth, y + 2), clr, BF
y = y + 2
End If
If vHoriz Then
obj.Line (x, 0)-(x + 2, .ScaleHeight), clr, BF
x = x + 2
End If
' Put things back the way you found them
.AutoRedraw = fAutoRedraw: .DrawWidth = iDrawWidth
.DrawStyle = ordDrawStyle: .DrawMode = ordDrawMode
.ScaleMode = ordScaleMode
.ScaleWidth = rScaleWidth: .ScaleHeight = rScaleHeight
End With
End Sub
Naked писал(а):ну да, типа этого. Но зачем мне сторонняя библа, я так же мог воспользоваться услугами shlwapi.
хоца ручками сварганить
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