Alexey-VB писал(а):
Например: If Hour(Time) = 8 then Abcd = 100
Вероятно это из-за этой функции.
Alexey-VB писал(а):В моей программе есть цикл проверки по времени...
Alexey-VB писал(а):Использую бесконечный цикл с интервалом в 10 милисекунд.
MSDN писал(а):Date Statement
Sets the current system date.
Date = date
For systems running Microsoft Windows 95, the required date specification must be a date from January 1, 1980 through December 31, 2099. For systems running Microsoft Windows NT, date must be a date from January 1, 1980 through December 31, 2079.
и еще MSDN писал(а):Time Statement
Sets the system time.
Time = time
The required time argument is any numeric expression, string expression, or any combination, that can represent a time.
If time is a string, Time attempts to convert it to a time using the time separators you specified for your system. If it can't be converted to a valid time, an error occurs.
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