Private Const OF_SHARE_DENY_WRITE As Long = &H20
dwMaxBytesPerSec As Long
dwFlags As Long
dwCaps As Long
dwStreams As Long
dwSuggestedBufferSize As Long
dwWidth As Long
dwHeight As Long
dwScale As Long
dwRate As Long
dwLength As Long
dwEditCount As Long
szFileType As String * 64
End Type
Private Declare Function AVIFileOpen Lib "avifil32" Alias "AVIFileOpenA" (ppfile As Long, ByVal szFile As String, ByVal mode As Long, pclsidHandler As Any) As Long
Private Declare Function AVIFileRelease Lib "avifil32" (ByVal pfile As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function AVIFileInfo Lib "avifil32" Alias "AVIFileInfoA" (ByVal pfile As Long, pfi As AVIFILEINFO, ByVal lSize As Long) As Long
Private Declare Sub AVIFileInit Lib "avifil32" ()
Private Declare Sub AVIFileExit Lib "avifil32" ()
Private Sub Form_Load()
'KPD-Team 2001
Dim hFile As Long, AviInfo As AVIFILEINFO
'initialize the AVIFile library
'create a handle to the AVI file
If AVIFileOpen(hFile, "C:\SIERRA\Half-Life\valve\media\sierra.avi", OF_SHARE_DENY_WRITE, ByVal 0&) = 0 Then
'retrieve the AVI information
If AVIFileInfo(hFile, AviInfo, Len(AviInfo)) = 0 Then
MsgBox "AVI dimensions: " + CStr(AviInfo.dwWidth) + "x" + CStr(AviInfo.dwHeight)
MsgBox "Error while retrieving AVI information... :("
End If
'release the file handle
AVIFileRelease hFile
MsgBox "Error while opening the AVI file... :("
End If
'exit the AVIFile library and decrement the reference count for the library
End Sub
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