Надо чтобы мышиным колесиком можно было крутить listbox и переключать группу кнопок, все в Access. Желательна реализация в виде класса.
Никто не встречал подобного???
alibek писал(а):Сам как-то делал, кодом, строчек 15-20, пойдет? Класс не делал, чтобы не заморачиваться с сабклассингом.
Private Declare Function SetWindowLong Lib "user32" Alias "SetWindowLongA" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal nIndex As Long, ByVal dwNewLong As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function CallWindowProc Lib "user32" Alias "CallWindowProcA" (ByVal lpPrevWndFunc As Long, ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal uMessage As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lParam As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function DefWindowProc Lib "user32" Alias "DefWindowProcA" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal uMessage As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lParam As Long) As Long
Private Const GWL_WNDPROC As Long = (-4&)
Private lpPrevWndProc As Long, vWheelScrollLines As Long
Public Enum SystemParametersActions
spiGetBeep = 1
spiSetBeep = 2
spiGetMouse = 3
spiSetMouse = 4
spiGetBorder = 5
spiSetBorder = 6
spiGetKeyboardSpeed = 10
spiSetKeyboardSpeed = 11
spiLangDriver = 12
spiIconHorizontalSpacing = 13
spiIconVerticalSpacing = 24
spiGetScreebSaveTimeout = 14
spiSetScreenSaveTimeout = 15
spiGetScreenSaveActive = 16
spiSetScreenSaveActive = 17
spiGetGridGranularity = 18
spiSetGridGranularity = 19
spiSetDeskWallPaper = 20
spiSetDeskPattern = 21
spiGetKeyboardDelay = 22
spiSetKeyboardDelay = 23
spiGetIconTitleWrap = 25
spiSetIconTitleWrap = 26
spiGetMenuDropAlignment = 27
spiSetMenuDropAlignment = 28
spiSetDoubleClkWidth = 29
spiSetDoubleClkHeight = 30
spiGetIconTitleLogFont = 31
spiSetIconTitleLogFont = 34
spiSetDoubleClickTime = 32
spiSetMouseButtonSwap = 33
spiGetFastTaskSwitch = 35
spiSetFastTaskSwitch = 36
spiSetDragFullWindows = 37
spiGetDragFullWindows = 38
spiGetNonClientMetrics = 41
spiSetNonClientMetrics = 42
spiGetMinimizedMetrics = 43
spiSetMinimizedMetrics = 44
spiGetIconMetrics = 45
spiSetIconMetrics = 46
spiSetWorkArea = 47
spiGetWorkArea = 48
spiSetPenWindows = 49
spiGetHighContrast = 66
spiSetHighContrast = 67
spiGetKeyboardPref = 68
spiSetKeyboardPref = 69
spiGetScreenReader = 70
spiSetScreenReader = 71
spiGetAnimation = 72
spiSetAnimation = 73
spiGetFontSmoothing = 74
spiSetFongSmoothing = 75
spiSetDragWidth = 76
spiSetDragHeight = 77
spiSetHandHeld = 78
spiGetLowPowerTimeout = 79
spiSetLowPowerTimeout = 81
spiGetPowerOffTimeout = 80
spiSetPowerOffTimeout = 82
spiGetLowPowerActive = 83
spiSetLowPowerActive = 85
spiGetPowerOffActive = 84
spiSetPowerOffActive = 86
spiSetCursors = 87
spiSetIcons = 88
spiGetDedaultInputLang = 89
spiSetDefaultInputLang = 90
spiSetLangToggle = 91
spiGetWindowsExtension = 92
spiSetMouseTrails = 93
spiGetMouseTrails = 94
spiSetScreenSaverRunning = 97
spiGetScreenSaverRunning = 114
spiScreenSaverRunning = spiSetScreenSaverRunning
spiGetFilterKeys = 50
spiSetFilterKeys = 51
spiGetToggleKeys = 52
spiSetToggleKeys = 53
spiGetMouseKeys = 54
spiSetMouseKeys = 55
spiGetShowSounds = 56
spiSetShowSounds = 57
spiGetStickyKeys = 58
spiSetStickyKeys = 59
spiGetAccessTimeout = 60
spiSetAccessTimeout = 61
spiGetSerialKeys = 62
spiSetSerialKeys = 63
spiGetSoundSentry = 64
spiSetSoundSentry = 65
spiGetMouseHoverWidth = 98
spiSetMouseHoverWidth = 99
spiGetMouseHoverHeight = 100
spiSetMouseHoverHeight = 101
spiGetMouseHoverTime = 102
spiSetMouseHoverTime = 103
spiGetWheelScrollLines = 104
spiSetWheelScrollLines = 105
spiGetShowIMEUI = 110
spiSetShowIMEUI = 111
spiGetMouseSpeed = 112
spiSetMouseSpeed = 113
spiGetActiveWindowTracking = &H1000&
spiSetActiveWindowTracking = &H1001&
spiGetMenuAnimation = &H1002&
spiSetMenuAnimation = &H1003&
spiGetComboBoxAnimation = &H1004&
spiSetComboBoxAnimation = &H1005&
spiGetListBoxSmoothScrolling = &H1006&
spiSetListBoxSmoothScrolling = &H1007&
spiGetGradientCaptions = &H1008&
spiSetGradientCaptions = &H1009&
spiGetMenuUnderlines = &H100A&
spiSetMenuUndetlines = &H100B&
spiGetActiveWndTrkZOrder = &H100C&
spiSetActiveWndTrkZOrder = &H100D&
spiGetHotTracking = &H100E&
spiSetHotTracking = &H100F&
spiGetForegroundLockTimeout = &H2000&
spiSetForegroundLockTimeout = &H2001&
spiGetActiveWndTrkTimeout = &H2002&
spiSetActiveWndTrkTimeout = &H2003&
spiGetForegroundFlashCount = &H2004&
spiSetForegroundFlashCount = &H2005&
End Enum
Public Enum SystemParametersFlags
spifNotUpdate = 0&
spifUpdateINIFile = &H1&
spifSendWinINIChange = &H2&
spifSendChange = spifSendWinINIChange
End Enum
Public Declare Function SystemParametersInfo Lib "user32" _
Alias "SystemParametersInfoA" ( _
ByVal uAction As SystemParametersActions, _
ByVal uParam As Long, _
lpvParam As Any, _
ByVal fuWinIni As SystemParametersFlags) _
As Long
Private Sub MouseScrollHook()
If lpPrevWndProc <> 0 Then Exit Sub
lpPrevWndProc = SetWindowLong(frmMAIN.hWnd, GWL_WNDPROC, AddressOf frmMAIN_WndProc_Scroll)
If SystemParametersInfo(spiGetWheelScrollLines, 0&, vWheelScrollLines, spifNotUpdate) = 0 Then vWheelScrollLines = 3
End Sub
Private Sub MouseScrollUnHook()
If lpPrevWndProc = 0 Then Exit Sub
Call SetWindowLong(frmMAIN.hWnd, GWL_WNDPROC, lpPrevWndProc)
vWheelScrollLines = 0&
End Sub
Function frmMAIN_WndProc_Scroll(ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal uMessage As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lParam As Long) As Long
Const WM_MOUSEWHEEL As Long = &H20A&
Const WHEEL_DELTA As Long = 120&
Const WHEEL_PAGESCROLL As Long = (-1&)
frmMAIN_WndProc_Scroll = CallWindowProc(lpPrevWndProc, hWnd, uMessage, wParam, lParam)
If uMessage = WM_MOUSEWHEEL Then
If wParam < 0 Then
Call frmMAIN.MouseScroll(-vWheelScrollLines, lParam And &HFFFF&, lParam \ &HFFFF&)
Call frmMAIN.MouseScroll(vWheelScrollLines, lParam And &HFFFF&, lParam \ &HFFFF&)
End If
End If
End Function
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