Private Sub Timer2_Timer()
seconds = seconds - 1
If seconds > -1 And seconds < 10 Then seconds = "0" + seconds.Text
If seconds < 0 Then
minutes = minutes - 1
seconds = 59
End If
If minutes < 0 Then
minutes = 8
Label11.Visible = False
huh = Round(bonusdollars)
a = MsgBox("Congratulations! You win bonus " & huh & "$!!!", 48, "Bonus")
Debugger.score = Debugger.score + huh
Label1.Caption = "Status: " & Debugger.score & "$"
If Val(Debugger.score) > Val(Debugger.enemyscore) Then
Line1.Visible = True
Line2.Visible = True
a = MsgBox("WOOHOOO! YOU COLLECTED " & Debugger.score & "$ against Dog Naebshik's " & Debugger.enemyscore & "$!! You won Rang#2 and Easy Zone COMPLETED!", 64, "Congratulations!")
Debugger.MediaPlayer1.FileName = App.Path & "\data\stream\gameover.mp3"
a = MsgBox("Awww NOO! You have only " & Debugger.score & "$! Dog Naebshik have more than you...", 16, "Too Bad...")
a = MsgBox("Dog Naebshik says: MOOAUAHUAHUAHUAHAUHAUHAUAAAAHAAA!!!! Looser!", 48, "Game Over")
Debugger.MediaPlayer1.FileName = App.Path & "\data\stream\sometimes.mp3"
bmainmenu.Visible = True
Unload afterround1
End If
Timer2.Enabled = False
End If
Label11.Caption = "Time left: " & minutes & ":" & seconds
bonusdollars = bonusdollars + 0.01
Label4.Caption = "Bonus: " & bonusdollars & "$"
End Sub
Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
end sub
Konst_One писал(а):
- Код: Выделить всё
Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
end sub
_Brodyaga писал(а):Всмысле Почему таймер находится в условии, может он просто не выходит из условия?То есть форма за анлоадилась, а значения остаются на месте, и потому все условия выполняются?
Amed писал(а):Что-то его опять включает?
.таймер, который находится на тойже форме что и второй таймер
Unload afterround1
End If
Timer2.Enabled = False
Timer2.Enabled = False
Unload afterround1
End If
Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel as Integer)
Dim V as Control
for each v in me.controls
if typeof v is timer then v.enabled = false
next v
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