Вот код, невидимость ворда ставлю при Class_Initialize()
Public Function printRecord(sINF As ClientData, room As String, Period As String, NumRec As Integer) As Byte
Dim TableWord As Word.Table
Dim lastTab As Integer, lastRow As Integer
On Error GoTo errLab:
With DocWord.Application.Selection
lastTab = .Tables.Count
Set TableWord = DocWord.Tables.Item(lastTab)
If TableWord.Columns.Count < 12 Then
printRecord = 1
Exit Function
End If
lastRow = TableWord.Rows.Count
TableWord.Rows(lastRow).Range.Font.Bold = False
TableWord.Cell(lastRow, 1).Range.Text = NumRec
TableWord.Cell(lastRow, 2).Range.Text = room
TableWord.Cell(lastRow, 3).Range.Text = Period
TableWord.Cell(lastRow, 4).Range.Text = sINF.F & " " & sINF.I & " " & sINF.O
TableWord.Cell(lastRow, 5).Range.Text = sINF.wasBorn
TableWord.Cell(lastRow, 6).Range.Text = sINF.LivePlace
TableWord.Cell(lastRow, 7).Range.Text = sINF.Document
.Range.Text = sINF.DocumentNumber
TableWord.Cell(lastRow, 9).Range.Text = sINF.DocumentGiven
TableWord.Cell(lastRow, 10).Range.Text = sINF.BorderCrossPlace & " " & sINF.DateCrossBorder
TableWord.Cell(lastRow, 11).Range.Text = sINF.LivePlace
TableWord.Cell(lastRow, 12).Range.Text = sINF.Nacional
End With
printRecord = 0
Exit Function
MsgBox "Unexpected Error in obj WordExport Metod printRecord" & vbNewLine & Err.number & vbNewLine & Err.Description, vbCritical, softName
printRecord = 1
End Function