Цитата из обсуждения появления 9 PB версии.
Одно только слово "Linux" дает некоторые перспективы.
Для меня лично лучше применение "Linux" для микроустройств на базе типа Контрон, чем XP embed...
Автор цитаты - Charles Peggs
I think that PB may have a more serious problem in the near future. I have been looking at Freebasic which has a number of advanced features making it very attractive. It works on Linux, DOS and Windows and has a cleaner, more advanced syntax.
It is based on the GCC compiler and has adopted some of the good features found in C++.
I think it would be very easy for PB to adopt these features but Freebasic is open source and free!
You might want to check it out: