System Error &H8007007E (-2147024770). Hе найден указанный модуль
Что делать с этой ошибкой?
Все dll вроде есть.
RayShade писал(а):Значит, зарегистрированы неверно.
EventType clr20r3, P1 project1.exe, P2 1.0.2326.41468, P3 4468e276, P4 project1, P5 1.0.2326.41468, P6 4468e276, P7 44, P8 1ed, P9, P10 NIL.
Public Sub DoReceptionTable(ByVal table As Short)
Dim s As String
Dim a, n, fld As Short
Dim rtype As String
Dim cn As New ADODB.Connection
Dim resData As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim resData2 As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim tCard As String
Dim nCard As String
Dim wd As Boolean
nCard = ""
rtype = 0
Select Case table
Case Is = 1
rtype = "r1"
fld = 4
Case Is = 2
rtype = "r2"
fld = 5
Case Is = 3
rtype = "r3"
fld = 6
End Select
cn.ConnectionString = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;Initial Catalog=Northerner;Data Source=" & GetServerName.ServerName()
With resData
If nCard = "" Then
.Open("SELECT * FROM _Tickets WHERE IsPrint=0 and " & rtype & "<>0")
End If
n = 1
While Not .EOF
tCard = "000000" + .Fields(2).Value
resData2.Open("SELECT * FROM clients WHERE Card=" & tCard)
For a = 0 To Form1.ArrPerCounter
If Arrays.PersonArray(a, 0) = .Fields(1).Value Then
Arrays.PersonArray(a, 3) = Arrays.PersonArray(a, 3) + .Fields(fld).Value
wd = True
Exit For
End If
Next a
If wd = False Then
s = RTrim(resData2.Fields(2).Value) & " " & RTrim(resData2.Fields(3).Value) & " " & RTrim(resData2.Fields(4).Value)
Arrays.PersonArray(Form1.ArrPerCounter, 0) = .Fields(1).Value
Arrays.PersonArray(Form1.ArrPerCounter, 1) = .Fields(2).Value
Arrays.PersonArray(Form1.ArrPerCounter, 2) = LTrim(s)
Arrays.PersonArray(Form1.ArrPerCounter, 3) = .Fields(fld).Value
Form1.ArrPerCounter = Form1.ArrPerCounter + 1
End If
wd = False
n = n + 1
End While
End With
End Sub
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