База данных моя, алгоритм шифрования тоже мой, программа нужна для себя чисто в учебных целях.
for i = 1 to ...
pass =
text = a.decrypt(byref textarray() as byte,pass as string)
if text = "passwordok" then ...
next i
MIT писал(а):это не флуд, просто на некоторых форумах сообщения объединяются, если их подряд написал один автор в течении часа, так что это не ко мне.
yaklit писал(а):А уж если пароль содержит что нить типа chr(2) то тогда вообще....
Passware Kit recovers all kinds of passwords for the world's most popular office application files, including Excel, Word, WinZip, WinRar, Windows XP/2000/NT, Access, Outlook, Quicken, WordPerfect, VBA, 1-2-3, ACT!, Paradox, Organizer, Schedule, WordPro and more.
Open "C:\log.txt" For Output As #1
a = "aaa"
For b = 0 To 25
For n = 0 To 25
For i = 0 To 25
Mid(a, 3, 1) = Chr(Asc("a") + i)
Mid(a, 2, 1) = Chr(Asc("a") + n)
Mid(a, 1, 1) = Chr(Asc("a") + b)
Print #1, a
Dim tlen As Long, text_a() As Byte, j As Long, k As Long, l As Long, char As Byte, go As Byte
Dim t As String
Dim ML As Long, SS As String
Public Property Get maxlen() As Long
maxlen = ML
End Property
Public Property Let maxlen(ByVal max_len As Long)
ML = max_len
End Property
Public Property Get startstring() As String
startstring = SS
End Property
Public Property Let startstring(start_string As String)
SS = start_string
End Property
Public Function GetNextString() As String
text_a = StrConv(SS, vbFromUnicode)
tlen = Len(SS)
If tlen <= maxlen Then
For j = tlen To 1 Step -1
go = go + 1
char = text_a(tlen - j)
If char < 255 Then
go = 54
char = char + 1
text_a(tlen - j) = char
GoTo go1
text_a(tlen - j) = 0
go = 0
End If
If go = 1 Then GoTo go1
End If
For l = 1 To Len(SS)
If Mid(SS, l, 1) = "я" Then k = k + 1
Next l
If k = Len(SS) Then SS = SS & Chr(1)
SS = StrConv(text_a, vbUnicode)
GetNextString = SS
End Function
Option Explicit
Private Letter() As String
Dim tlen As Long, text_a() As Byte, j As Long, k As Long, l As Long, char As Byte, go As Byte
Dim t As String, o As Long, h As Long
Dim ML As Long, SS As String
Dim nextlevel As Byte, lenss As Long
Public Property Get maxlen() As Long
maxlen = ML
End Property
Public Property Let maxlen(ByVal max_len As Long)
ML = max_len
End Property
Public Property Get startstring() As String
startstring = SS
End Property
Public Property Let startstring(start_string As String)
SS = start_string
End Property
Public Function GetNextString() As String
If nextlevel = 1 Then
For lenss = 1 To Len(SS) + 1
If nextlevel = 1 Then SS = "": nextlevel = 0
SS = SS & mChr(0)
Next lenss
GoTo go2
End If
Call ToArray(SS, text_a)
tlen = Len(SS)
If tlen <= maxlen Then
For j = tlen To 1 Step -1
go = go + 1
char = text_a(tlen - j)
If char < GetL - 1 Then
go = 54
char = char + 1
text_a(tlen - j) = char
GoTo go1
text_a(tlen - j) = 0
go = 0
End If
If go = 1 Then GoTo go1
End If
SS = ToString(text_a)
GetNextString = SS
For l = 1 To Len(SS)
If Mid(SS, l, 1) = mChr(GetL - 1) Then k = k + 1
Next l
If k = Len(SS) Then nextlevel = 1
k = 0
End Function
Private Sub ToArray(Text As String, ByRef arr() As Byte)
ReDim arr(Len(Text) - 1)
For o = 0 To Len(Text) - 1
For h = 0 To GetL - 1
If Mid(Text, o + 1, 1) = Letter(h) Then arr(o) = h: GoTo go1
Next h
Next o
End Sub
Private Function ToString(arr() As Byte) As String
For o = 0 To UBound(arr)
ToString = ToString & Letter(arr(o))
Next o
End Function
Public Sub SetDict(Letters As String)
Dim i As Long, char As String
ReDim Letter(0)
For i = 1 To Len(Letters)
char = Mid(Letters, i, 1)
If char & Mid(Letters, i + 1, 1) <> vbCrLf Then
If Letter(0) <> "" Then ReDim Preserve Letter(UBound(Letter) + 1)
Letter(UBound(Letter)) = char
i = i + 1
End If
Next i
End Sub
Public Function GetL() As Long
GetL = UBound(Letter) + 1
End Function
Public Function GetSL() As String
GetSL = Letter(0)
End Function
Public Function mChr(index As Integer) As String
mChr = Letter(index)
End Function
Dim p As Long
Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim L, b(), min_l, max_l As Byte
Dim a As String
min_l = 1: max_l = 4
For L = min_l To max_l
ReDim b(L): a = ""
For i = 1 To L
a = a + Chr(0)
For k = 1 To 26 ^ L
For i = 1 To L
If b(i) > 25 Then b(i + 1) = b(i + 1) + 1: b(i) = 0: DoEvents
Mid(a, i, 1) = Chr(97 + b(i))
b(1) = b(1) + 1
p = p + 1
Label1 = a
End Sub
Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
Me.Caption = p
p = 0
End Sub
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