\cf1 Rtf1\cf1 ANsi\cf1 ANsiCPg1251Eff0EfLANg1049NtTBLNiL\cf1 FChARsETNAmECouRiERNEw;CouRiERNEw CYR;NiL\cf1 FChARsETCouRiERNEw;LortbL;LorTBL;Ed0EENLuE;LoRTBL;\cf1 REd0REENLuE;\cf1 ViEwKiNd4ARd(VOVA-значение моей переменной,скобки и комментариий мой)\cf0 LANg1033 AR\cf0 LANg1049AR
когда подставляю раскомментированные слова ("COMMAND ", "ERROR ", "COMMENT ",), а свой код убираю, все работает корректно.
Благодарю за пояснения!
- Код: Выделить всё
'это моя прoцедура
Public Sub GetReserveWord()
Const PARSECHAR = " "
Dim ii As Integer, LenString As Integer, nn As Integer, nnn As String
Set m_objEditor = New CEditor
m_objEditor.SetEditorObjects Me.txtGlav
For ii = 1 To 1545
nn = InStr(1, MyStringArray(ii), PARSECHAR)
m_objEditor.AddEditorWord Mid$(MyStringArray(ii), 1, nn - 1), vbBlue ' ПРОБЛЕМА
' m_objEditor.AddEditorWord "COMMAND ", vbRed
' m_objEditor.AddEditorWord "ERROR ", vbBlue
' m_objEditor.AddEditorWord "COMMENT ", vbGreen
Next ii
End Sub
' это код класса для подсветки синтаксиса не мой
'Light RTF editor class
'Written by adi barda israel (adib@malam.com)
'This is a light version of my editor class
'The complete class also supports VB like intelisence
Option Explicit
Private Type InterfaceData
Class As String
method As String
IsMethod As Boolean
ToolTip As String
End Type
Private m_Interface() As InterfaceData
Const abGREEN = 32768
Private Type POINTAPI
X As Long
Y As Long
End Type
Private Type EditorWords
color As Long
wrd As String
End Type
Private m_arrWords() As EditorWords
Private Declare Function GetCaretPos Lib "user32" (lpPoint As POINTAPI) As Long
Private m_bPaintText As Boolean
Private m_iPicHeight As Long
Private WithEvents m_txtScript As RichTextLib.RichTextBox
'Private m_DebugTextbox As RichTextLib.RichTextBox
Public Sub AddEditorWord(ByVal wrd As String, ByVal color As Long)
Dim i As Long
i = UBound(m_arrWords())
If m_arrWords(0).wrd = "" Then
i = 0
i = i + 1
End If
ReDim Preserve m_arrWords(i)
m_arrWords(i).wrd = wrd
m_arrWords(i).color = color
End Sub
Public Sub SetEditorObjects(ByRef objRTF As RichTextLib.RichTextBox) ',
'ByRef DebugTextbox As RichTextLib.RichTextBox)
'Init editor objects
Set m_txtScript = objRTF 'main script text box
'Set m_DebugTextbox = DebugTextbox 'need this for smooth painting
End Sub
Public Sub PaintText()
Dim iPos As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim iCnt As Long
Dim arrWrd() As String
ReDim arrWrd(0)
iCnt = 0
iPos = m_txtScript.SelStart
For i = 0 To UBound(m_arrWords())
If m_arrWords(i).wrd = "" Then
Exit For
End If
ReDim Preserve arrWrd(iCnt)
arrWrd(iCnt) = m_arrWords(i).wrd
'Is it the last word to paint ?
If UBound(m_arrWords()) = i Then
'Yes it is
ColorWord m_txtScript, arrWrd(), m_arrWords(i).color
If m_arrWords(i + 1).color <> m_arrWords(i).color Then
iCnt = 0
ColorWord m_txtScript, arrWrd(), m_arrWords(i).color
iCnt = iCnt + 1
End If
End If
Next i
ColorStrings m_txtScript, Chr$(34), vbMagenta
ColorRow m_txtScript, "'", abGREEN
If iPos > 0 Then
iPos = InStr(iPos, m_txtScript.Text, Chr$(10))
End If
m_txtScript.SelStart = iPos
End Sub
Public Sub ColorWord(ByVal objRTF As RichTextLib.RichTextBox, ByRef wrd() As String, ByVal color As Long)
Dim i As Long
Dim iStart As Long
Dim sRTF As String
Dim iColor As Long
With objRTF
sRTF = .TextRTF
For i = 0 To UBound(wrd)
iStart = InStr(1, sRTF, wrd(i), vbTextCompare)
If iStart > 0 Then
'Check && update the color table
iColor = SetColorTable(sRTF, color)
sRTF = Replace$(sRTF, wrd(i), "\cf" & iColor & " " & wrd(i) & "\cf0", , , vbTextCompare)
End If
Next i
.TextRTF = sRTF
End With
End Sub
Private Function SetColorTable(ByRef rtf As String, ByVal color As Long) As Long
Dim iR As Long
Dim iG As Long
Dim iB As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim iStart As Long
Dim iEnd As Long
Dim sTable As String
Dim sTmp As String
Dim sColor As String
GetRGB color, iR, iG, iB
sColor = "\red" & iR & "\green" & iG & "\blue" & iB & ";"
'Do we have color table?
iStart = InStr(1, rtf, "colortbl", vbTextCompare)
If iStart = 0 Then
'No, Insert color table
rtf = Replace$(rtf, "}}", "}}{\colortbl ;}", , 1)
iStart = InStr(1, rtf, "colortbl", vbTextCompare)
End If
'Do we have the current color?
If InStr(1, rtf, sColor, vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
'No, insert color
i = InStr(1, rtf, "\colortbl")
i = InStr(i, rtf, "}", vbTextCompare)
sTmp = Left$(rtf, i - 1)
rtf = Replace$(rtf, "}", sColor & "}", i, 1, vbTextCompare)
rtf = sTmp & rtf
End If
iEnd = InStr(iStart, rtf, ";}")
sTable = Mid$(rtf, iStart, iEnd - iStart + 1)
i = 0
iStart = 1
iStart = InStr(iStart, sTable, ";")
If iStart <> 0 Then
i = i + 1
iStart = iStart + 1
If InStr(iStart, sTable, sColor, vbTextCompare) = iStart Then
SetColorTable = i
Exit Do
End If
End If
Loop Until iStart = 0
End Function
Private Sub GetRGB(ByVal color As Long, ByRef r As Long, ByRef g As Long, ByRef b As Long)
b = Int(color / 65536)
g = Int((color / 65536 - b) * 65536 / 256)
r = Int(((color / 65536 - b) * 65536 / 256 - g) * 256)
End Sub
Private Sub ColorRow(ByVal objRTF As RichTextLib.RichTextBox, ByVal wrd As String, ByVal color As Long)
Dim i As Long
Dim iStart As Long
Dim iEnd As Long
Dim sRTF As String
Dim sRow As String
Dim sNewRow As String
Dim iColor As Long
Dim iCommaPlace As Long
With objRTF
sRTF = .TextRTF
iStart = 1
iStart = InStr(iStart, sRTF, wrd, vbTextCompare)
If iStart > 0 Then
'Check if its hebrew letter
If Mid$(sRTF, iStart - 1, 1) <> "\" Then
'Check && update the color table
iColor = SetColorTable(sRTF, color)
iStart = InStr(iStart, sRTF, wrd, vbTextCompare)
iEnd = InStr(iStart, sRTF, vbNewLine)
iCommaPlace = InStr(iStart, sRTF, Chr$(34))
If iEnd > 0 And (iCommaPlace = 0 Or iCommaPlace > iEnd) Then
sRow = Mid$(sRTF, iStart, iEnd - iStart)
sNewRow = GetCleanRow(sRow)
sRTF = Replace$(sRTF, sRow, "\cf" & iColor & " " & sNewRow & "\cf0", , , vbTextCompare)
iEnd = InStr(iStart, sRTF, vbNewLine)
End If
iStart = iEnd
iStart = iStart + 1
End If 'Not hebrew letter
End If 'iStart>0
Loop Until iStart = 0
.TextRTF = sRTF
End With
End Sub
Private Sub ColorStrings(ByVal objRTF As RichTextLib.RichTextBox, ByVal wrd As String, ByVal color As Long)
Dim i As Long
Dim iStart As Long
Dim iEnd As Long
Dim iBreak As Long
Dim sRTF As String
Dim sRow As String
Dim sNewRow As String
Dim iColor As Long
With objRTF
sRTF = .TextRTF
iStart = 1
iStart = InStr(iStart, sRTF, wrd, vbTextCompare)
If iStart > 0 Then
'Check && update the color table
iColor = SetColorTable(sRTF, color)
iStart = InStr(iStart, sRTF, wrd, vbTextCompare)
iEnd = InStr(iStart + 1, sRTF, wrd, vbTextCompare)
iBreak = InStr(iStart + 1, sRTF, vbNewLine)
If (iEnd > 0) And ((iBreak > iEnd) Or (iBreak = 0)) Then
sRow = Mid$(sRTF, iStart, iEnd - iStart + 1)
'sNewRow = GetCleanRow(sRow)
sNewRow = sRow 'just for backward compatibility
sRTF = Replace$(sRTF, sRow, "\cf" & iColor & " " & sNewRow & "\cf0", , , vbTextCompare)
'iEnd = InStr(iStart, sRTF, vbNewLine)
' \ltrch \'20
iEnd = InStr(iEnd + Len("\cf" & iColor & " " & sNewRow & "\cf0") - Len(sNewRow), sRTF, wrd)
End If
iStart = iEnd
End If 'iStart>0
Loop Until iStart = 0
.TextRTF = sRTF
End With
End Sub
Private Function GetCleanRow(ByVal Row As String) As String
Dim i As Long
Dim iStart As Long
Dim iEnd As Long
Dim sTmp As String
GetCleanRow = Row
iStart = 1
iStart = InStr(iStart, Row, "\")
If iStart > 0 Then
iEnd = InStr(iStart, Row, " ")
If iStart > 0 Then
If iEnd = 0 Then
iEnd = Len(Row) + 1
iEnd = iEnd + 1
End If
sTmp = Mid$(Row, iStart, iEnd - iStart)
Row = Replace$(Row, sTmp, "")
End If
End If
Loop Until iStart = 0
GetCleanRow = Row
End Function
Public Sub ClearScript()
m_txtScript.Text = ""
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
m_bPaintText = False
ReDim m_arrWords(0)
End Sub
Private Sub m_txtScript_Change()
If m_bPaintText Then
m_bPaintText = False
End If
End Sub
Private Sub m_txtScript_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
Select Case KeyCode
Case vbKeyReturn ', vbKeySpace
m_bPaintText = True
Case vbKeyTab
KeyCode = 0
m_txtScript.SelText = " "
End Select
End Sub