Option Explicit
' Declarations
' These function names were puzzled out by using DUMPBIN /exports
' with VBA332.DLL and then puzzling out parameter names and types
' through a lot of trial and error and over 100 IPFs in MSACCESS.EXE
' and VBA332.DLL.
' These parameters may not be named properly but seem to be correct in
' light of the function names and what each parameter does.
' EbGetExecutingProj: Gives you a handle to the current VBA project
' TipGetFunctionId: Gives you a function ID given a function name
' TipGetLpfnOfFunctionId: Gives you a pointer a function given its function ID
Private Declare Function GetCurrentVbaProject Lib "vba332.dll" Alias "EbGetExecutingProj" (hProject As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function GetFuncID Lib "vba332.dll" Alias "TipGetFunctionId" (ByVal hProject As Long, ByVal strFunctionName As String, ByRef strFunctionId As String) As Long
Private Declare Function GetAddr Lib "vba332.dll" Alias "TipGetLpfnOfFunctionId" (ByVal hProject As Long, ByVal strFunctionId As String, ByRef lpfn As Long) As Long
Public Function AddrOf(strFuncName As String) As Long
' AddrOf
' Returns a function pointer of a VBA public function given its name. This function
' gives similar functionality to VBA as VB5 has with the AddressOf param type.
' NOTE: This function only seems to work if the proc you are trying to get a pointer
' to is in the current project. This makes sense, since we are using a function
' named EbGetExecutingProj.
Dim hProject As Long
Dim lngResult As Long
Dim strID As String
Dim lpfn As Long
Dim strFuncNameUnicode As String
Const NO_ERROR = 0
' The function name must be in Unicode, so convert it.
strFuncNameUnicode = StrConv(strFuncName, vbUnicode)
' Get the current VBA project
' The results of GetCurrentVBAProject seemed inconsistent, in our tests,
' so now we just check the project handle when the function returns.
Call GetCurrentVbaProject(hProject)
' Make sure we got a project handle... we always should, but you never know!
If hProject <> 0 Then
' Get the VBA function ID (whatever that is!)
lngResult = GetFuncID(hProject, strFuncNameUnicode, strID)
' We have to check this because we GPF if we try to get a function pointer
' of a non-existent function.
If lngResult = NO_ERROR Then
' Get the function pointer.
lngResult = GetAddr(hProject, strID, lpfn)
If lngResult = NO_ERROR Then
AddrOf = lpfn
End If
End If
End If
End Function
lTemp = SetTimer(Me.hwnd, NV_INPUTBOX, 1, AddressOf TimerProc)
lTemp = SetTimer(Me.hwnd, NV_INPUTBOX, 1, AddrOf("TimerProc"))
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