Почему не идёт? :(

Программирование Web-приложений и Web-сервисов.

Модератор: Ramzes

Ruslan Demidow
Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 987
Зарегистрирован: 25.03.2004 (Чт) 13:39
Откуда: N.Novgorod

Почему не идёт? :(

Сообщение Ruslan Demidow » 29.10.2005 (Сб) 18:02

Установил IIS. А он зараза не работает. :(
Пишет: "Server Application Error
The server has encountered an error while loading an application during the processing of your request. Please refer to the event log for more detail information. Please contact the server administrator for assistance."

В евентлоге сообщение:
Тип события: Предупреждение
Источник события: W3SVC
Категория события: Отсутствует
Код события: 36
Дата: 29.10.2005
Время: 18:20:52
Пользователь: Н/Д
Компьютер: CEL
Серверу не удалось загрузить приложение '/LM/W3SVC/1/ROOT'. Ошибка: 'Класс не зарегистрирован
Для получения дополнительных сведений по сообщению посетите узел технической поддержки корпорации Майкрософт: http://www.microsoft.com/contentredirect.asp.

Дополнительные сведения можно найти в центре справки и поддержки, в "http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/events.asp".

Иду по ссылкам и получаю:

We're sorry
There is no additional information about this issue in the Error and Event Log Messages or Knowledge Base databases at this time. You can use the links in the Support area to determine whether any additional information might be available elsewhere.
Thank you for searching on this message; your search helps us identify those areas for which we need to provide more information.

И больше ничего внятного...
Правда система стоит на диске с FAT32. Может ли это иметь значение?
"Лишние" службы не останавливал.

Вот список и состояние служб:

Alerter - Alerter - Running
ALG - Application Layer Gateway Service - Running
AppMgmt - Application Management - Stopped
aspnet_state - ASP.NET State Service - Stopped
Ati HotKey Poller - Ati HotKey Poller - Stopped
ATI Smart - ATI Smart - Stopped
AudioSrv - Windows Audio - Running
BITS - Background Intelligent Transfer Service - Stopped
Browser - Computer Browser - Running
CiSvc - Служба индексирования - Stopped
ClipSrv - ClipBook - Stopped
COMSysApp - COM+ System Application - Stopped
CryptSvc - Cryptographic Services - Running
DcomLaunch - DCOM Server Process Launcher - Running
Dhcp - DHCP Client - Running
dmadmin - Logical Disk Manager Administrative Service - Stopped
dmserver - Logical Disk Manager - Running
Dnscache - DNS Client - Running
ERSvc - Error Reporting Service - Running
Eventlog - Event Log - Running
EventSystem - COM+ Event System - Running
FastUserSwitchingCompatibility - Fast User Switching Compatibility - Running
helpsvc - Help and Support - Running
HidServ - Human Interface Device Access - Stopped
HTTPFilter - HTTP SSL - Stopped
IISADMIN - IIS Admin - Running
ImapiService - IMAPI CD-Burning COM Service - Stopped
lanmanserver - Server - Running
lanmanworkstation - Workstation - Running
LmHosts - TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper - Running
MDM - Machine Debug Manager - Running
Messenger - Messenger - Stopped
mnmsrvc - NetMeeting Remote Desktop Sharing - Stopped
MSDTC - Distributed Transaction Coordinator - Stopped
MSIServer - Windows Installer - Stopped
NetDDE - Network DDE - Stopped
NetDDEdsdm - Network DDE DSDM - Stopped
Netlogon - Net Logon - Stopped
Netman - Network Connections - Running
Nla - Network Location Awareness (NLA) - Running
NtLmSsp - NT LM Security Support Provider - Stopped
NtmsSvc - Removable Storage - Stopped
OutpostFirewall - Outpost Firewall Service - Running
PlugPlay - Plug and Play - Running
PolicyAgent - IPSEC Services - Running
ProtectedStorage - Protected Storage - Running
RasAuto - Remote Access Auto Connection Manager - Stopped
RasMan - Remote Access Connection Manager - Running
RDSessMgr - Remote Desktop Help Session Manager - Stopped
RemoteAccess - Routing and Remote Access - Stopped
RemoteRegistry - Remote Registry - Stopped
RpcLocator - Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Locator - Stopped
RpcSs - Remote Procedure Call (RPC) - Running
RSVP - QoS RSVP - Stopped
SamSs - Security Accounts Manager - Running
SCardSvr - Smart Card - Stopped
Schedule - Task Scheduler - Running
seclogon - Secondary Logon - Running
SENS - System Event Notification - Running
SharedAccess - Windows Firewall/Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) - Running
ShellHWDetection - Shell Hardware Detection - Running
spidernt - SpIDer Guard for Windows NT - Running
Spooler - Print Spooler - Running
srservice - System Restore Service - Running
SSDPSRV - SSDP Discovery Service - Stopped
stisvc - Windows Image Acquisition (WIA) - Stopped
SwPrv - MS Software Shadow Copy Provider - Stopped
SysmonLog - Performance Logs and Alerts - Stopped
TapiSrv - Telephony - Running
TermService - Terminal Services - Running
Themes - Themes - Running
TlntSvr - Telnet - Stopped
TrkWks - Distributed Link Tracking Client - Running
upnphost - Universal Plug and Play Device Host - Stopped
UPS - Uninterruptible Power Supply - Stopped
VSS - Volume Shadow Copy - Stopped
W32Time - Windows Time - Running
W3SVC - World Wide Web Publishing - Running
WebClient - WebClient - Running
winmgmt - Windows Management Instrumentation - Running
WmdmPmSN - Portable Media Serial Number Service - Stopped
Wmi - Windows Management Instrumentation Driver Extensions - Stopped
WmiApSrv - WMI Performance Adapter - Stopped
wscsvc - Security Center - Running
wuauserv - Automatic Updates - Running
WZCSVC - Wireless Zero Configuration - Running
xmlprov - Network Provisioning Service - Stopped

Помогите, плиз...
Это Ж-ж-ж-ж неспроста (с) Винни-Пух

Сообщения: 1
Зарегистрирован: 17.01.2006 (Вт) 13:30
Откуда: Surgut City

Сообщение Walker » 17.01.2006 (Вт) 13:36

И у меня та же самая проблема!
Ничего не получается. Куда пойти, где поучиться?

Вернуться в ASP.NET

Кто сейчас на конференции

Сейчас этот форум просматривают: нет зарегистрированных пользователей и гости: 1
