Модуль имеет несколько функций:
- GetAllCoclasses - возвращает список имен классов вместе с идентификаторами извлеченными из библиотеки типов.
- CreateIDispatch - создает реализацию IDispatch на основе объекта и имени интерфейса.
- CreateObjectEx2 - создает объект по имени.
- CreateObjectEx - создает объект по CLSID.
- UnloadLibrary - Выгружает библиотеку, если та не используется.
- Код: Выделить всё
' The module modTrickUnregCOM.bas - for working with COM libraries without registration.
' © Krivous Anatolii Anatolevich (The trick), 2015
Option Explicit
Public Type GUID
data1 As Long
data2 As Integer
data3 As Integer
data4(7) As Byte
End Type
Private Declare Function CLSIDFromString Lib "ole32.dll" ( _
ByVal lpszCLSID As Long, _
ByRef clsid As GUID) As Long
Private Declare Function GetMem4 Lib "msvbvm60" ( _
ByRef src As Any, _
ByRef dst As Any) As Long
Private Declare Function SysFreeString Lib "oleaut32" ( _
ByVal lpbstr As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function LoadLibrary Lib "kernel32" _
Alias "LoadLibraryW" ( _
ByVal lpLibFileName As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function GetModuleHandle Lib "kernel32" _
Alias "GetModuleHandleW" ( _
ByVal lpModuleName As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function FreeLibrary Lib "kernel32" ( _
ByVal hLibModule As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function GetProcAddress Lib "kernel32" ( _
ByVal hModule As Long, _
ByVal lpProcName As String) As Long
Private Declare Function DispCallFunc Lib "oleaut32" ( _
ByVal pvInstance As Any, _
ByVal oVft As Long, _
ByVal cc As Integer, _
ByVal vtReturn As Integer, _
ByVal cActuals As Long, _
ByRef prgvt As Any, _
ByRef prgpvarg As Any, _
ByRef pvargResult As Variant) As Long
Private Declare Function LoadTypeLibEx Lib "oleaut32" ( _
ByVal szFile As Long, _
ByVal regkind As Long, _
ByRef pptlib As IUnknown) As Long
Private Declare Function memcpy Lib "kernel32" _
Alias "RtlMoveMemory" ( _
ByRef Destination As Any, _
ByRef Source As Any, _
ByVal Length As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function CreateStdDispatch Lib "oleaut32" ( _
ByVal punkOuter As IUnknown, _
ByVal pvThis As IUnknown, _
ByVal ptinfo As IUnknown, _
ByRef ppunkStdDisp As IUnknown) As Long
Private Const IID_IClassFactory As String = "{00000001-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}"
Private Const IID_IUnknown As String = "{00000000-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}"
Private Const CC_STDCALL As Long = 4
Private Const REGKIND_NONE As Long = 2
Private Const TKIND_COCLASS As Long = 5
Private Const TKIND_DISPATCH As Long = 4
Private Const TKIND_INTERFACE As Long = 3
Dim iidClsFctr As GUID
Dim iidUnk As GUID
Dim isInit As Boolean
' // Get all co-classes described in type library.
Public Function GetAllCoclasses( _
ByRef path As String, _
ByRef listOfClsid() As GUID, _
ByRef listOfNames() As String, _
ByRef countCoClass As Long) As Boolean
Dim typeLib As IUnknown
Dim typeInf As IUnknown
Dim ret As Long
Dim count As Long
Dim index As Long
Dim pAttr As Long
Dim tKind As Long
ret = LoadTypeLibEx(StrPtr(path), REGKIND_NONE, typeLib)
If ret Then
Err.Raise ret
Exit Function
End If
count = ITypeLib_GetTypeInfoCount(typeLib)
countCoClass = 0
If count > 0 Then
ReDim listOfClsid(count - 1)
ReDim listOfNames(count - 1)
For index = 0 To count - 1
ret = ITypeLib_GetTypeInfo(typeLib, index, typeInf)
If ret Then
Err.Raise ret
Exit Function
End If
ITypeInfo_GetTypeAttr typeInf, pAttr
GetMem4 ByVal pAttr + &H28, tKind
memcpy listOfClsid(countCoClass), ByVal pAttr, Len(listOfClsid(countCoClass))
ret = ITypeInfo_GetDocumentation(typeInf, -1, listOfNames(countCoClass), vbNullString, 0, vbNullString)
If ret Then
ITypeInfo_ReleaseTypeAttr typeInf, pAttr
Err.Raise ret
Exit Function
End If
countCoClass = countCoClass + 1
End If
ITypeInfo_ReleaseTypeAttr typeInf, pAttr
Set typeInf = Nothing
End If
If countCoClass Then
ReDim Preserve listOfClsid(countCoClass - 1)
ReDim Preserve listOfNames(countCoClass - 1)
Erase listOfClsid()
Erase listOfNames()
End If
GetAllCoclasses = True
End Function
' // Create IDispach implementation described in type library.
Public Function CreateIDispatch( _
ByRef obj As IUnknown, _
ByRef typeLibPath As String, _
ByRef interfaceName As String) As Object
Dim typeLib As IUnknown
Dim typeInf As IUnknown
Dim ret As Long
Dim retObj As IUnknown
Dim pAttr As Long
Dim tKind As Long
ret = LoadTypeLibEx(StrPtr(typeLibPath), REGKIND_NONE, typeLib)
If ret Then
Err.Raise ret
Exit Function
End If
ret = ITypeLib_FindName(typeLib, interfaceName, 0, typeInf, 0, 1)
If typeInf Is Nothing Then
Err.Raise &H80004002, , "Interface not found"
Exit Function
End If
ITypeInfo_GetTypeAttr typeInf, pAttr
GetMem4 ByVal pAttr + &H28, tKind
ITypeInfo_ReleaseTypeAttr typeInf, pAttr
Set CreateIDispatch = obj
Exit Function
ElseIf tKind <> TKIND_INTERFACE Then
Err.Raise &H80004002, , "Interface not found"
Exit Function
End If
ret = CreateStdDispatch(Nothing, obj, typeInf, retObj)
If ret Then
Err.Raise ret
Exit Function
End If
Set CreateIDispatch = retObj
End Function
' // Create object by Name.
Public Function CreateObjectEx2( _
ByRef pathToDll As String, _
ByRef pathToTLB As String, _
ByRef className As String) As IUnknown
Dim typeLib As IUnknown
Dim typeInf As IUnknown
Dim ret As Long
Dim pAttr As Long
Dim tKind As Long
Dim clsid As GUID
ret = LoadTypeLibEx(StrPtr(pathToTLB), REGKIND_NONE, typeLib)
If ret Then
Err.Raise ret
Exit Function
End If
ret = ITypeLib_FindName(typeLib, className, 0, typeInf, 0, 1)
If typeInf Is Nothing Then
Err.Raise &H80040111, , "Class not found in type library"
Exit Function
End If
ITypeInfo_GetTypeAttr typeInf, pAttr
GetMem4 ByVal pAttr + &H28, tKind
memcpy clsid, ByVal pAttr, Len(clsid)
Err.Raise &H80040111, , "Class not found in type library"
Exit Function
End If
ITypeInfo_ReleaseTypeAttr typeInf, pAttr
Set CreateObjectEx2 = CreateObjectEx(pathToDll, clsid)
End Function
' // Create object by CLSID and path.
Public Function CreateObjectEx( _
ByRef path As String, _
ByRef clsid As GUID) As IUnknown
Dim hLib As Long
Dim lpAddr As Long
Dim isLoad As Boolean
hLib = GetModuleHandle(StrPtr(path))
If hLib = 0 Then
hLib = LoadLibrary(StrPtr(path))
If hLib = 0 Then
Err.Raise 53, , Error(53) & " " & Chr$(34) & path & Chr$(34)
Exit Function
End If
isLoad = True
End If
lpAddr = GetProcAddress(hLib, "DllGetClassObject")
If lpAddr = 0 Then
If isLoad Then FreeLibrary hLib
Err.Raise 453, , "Can't find dll entry point DllGetClasesObject in " & Chr$(34) & path & Chr$(34)
Exit Function
End If
If Not isInit Then
CLSIDFromString StrPtr(IID_IClassFactory), iidClsFctr
CLSIDFromString StrPtr(IID_IUnknown), iidUnk
isInit = True
End If
Dim ret As Long
Dim out As IUnknown
ret = DllGetClassObject(lpAddr, clsid, iidClsFctr, out)
If ret = 0 Then
ret = IClassFactory_CreateInstance(out, 0, iidUnk, CreateObjectEx)
If isLoad Then FreeLibrary hLib
Err.Raise ret
Exit Function
End If
Set out = Nothing
If ret Then
If isLoad Then FreeLibrary hLib
Err.Raise ret
End If
End Function
' // Unload DLL if not used.
Public Function UnloadLibrary( _
ByRef path As String) As Boolean
Dim hLib As Long
Dim lpAddr As Long
Dim ret As Long
If Not isInit Then Exit Function
hLib = GetModuleHandle(StrPtr(path))
If hLib = 0 Then Exit Function
lpAddr = GetProcAddress(hLib, "DllCanUnloadNow")
If lpAddr = 0 Then Exit Function
ret = DllCanUnloadNow(lpAddr)
If ret = 0 Then
FreeLibrary hLib
UnloadLibrary = True
End If
End Function
' // Call "DllGetClassObject" function using a pointer.
Private Function DllGetClassObject( _
ByVal funcAddr As Long, _
ByRef clsid As GUID, _
ByRef iid As GUID, _
ByRef out As IUnknown) As Long
Dim params(2) As Variant
Dim types(2) As Integer
Dim list(2) As Long
Dim resultCall As Long
Dim pIndex As Long
Dim pReturn As Variant
params(0) = VarPtr(clsid)
params(1) = VarPtr(iid)
params(2) = VarPtr(out)
For pIndex = 0 To UBound(params)
list(pIndex) = VarPtr(params(pIndex)): types(pIndex) = VarType(params(pIndex))
resultCall = DispCallFunc(0&, funcAddr, CC_STDCALL, vbLong, 3, types(0), list(0), pReturn)
If resultCall Then Err.Raise 5: Exit Function
DllGetClassObject = pReturn
End Function
' // Call "DllCanUnloadNow" function using a pointer.
Private Function DllCanUnloadNow( _
ByVal funcAddr As Long) As Long
Dim resultCall As Long
Dim pReturn As Variant
resultCall = DispCallFunc(0&, funcAddr, CC_STDCALL, vbLong, 0, ByVal 0&, ByVal 0&, pReturn)
If resultCall Then Err.Raise 5: Exit Function
DllCanUnloadNow = pReturn
End Function
' // Call "IClassFactory:CreateInstance" method.
Private Function IClassFactory_CreateInstance( _
ByVal obj As IUnknown, _
ByVal punkOuter As Long, _
ByRef riid As GUID, _
ByRef out As IUnknown) As Long
Dim params(2) As Variant
Dim types(2) As Integer
Dim list(2) As Long
Dim resultCall As Long
Dim pIndex As Long
Dim pReturn As Variant
params(0) = punkOuter
params(1) = VarPtr(riid)
params(2) = VarPtr(out)
For pIndex = 0 To UBound(params)
list(pIndex) = VarPtr(params(pIndex)): types(pIndex) = VarType(params(pIndex))
resultCall = DispCallFunc(obj, &HC, CC_STDCALL, vbLong, 3, types(0), list(0), pReturn)
If resultCall Then Err.Raise resultCall: Exit Function
IClassFactory_CreateInstance = pReturn
End Function
' // Call "ITypeLib:GetTypeInfoCount" method.
Private Function ITypeLib_GetTypeInfoCount( _
ByVal obj As IUnknown) As Long
Dim resultCall As Long
Dim pReturn As Variant
resultCall = DispCallFunc(obj, &HC, CC_STDCALL, vbLong, 0, ByVal 0&, ByVal 0&, pReturn)
If resultCall Then Err.Raise resultCall: Exit Function
ITypeLib_GetTypeInfoCount = pReturn
End Function
' // Call "ITypeLib:GetTypeInfo" method.
Private Function ITypeLib_GetTypeInfo( _
ByVal obj As IUnknown, _
ByVal index As Long, _
ByRef ppTInfo As IUnknown) As Long
Dim params(1) As Variant
Dim types(1) As Integer
Dim list(1) As Long
Dim resultCall As Long
Dim pIndex As Long
Dim pReturn As Variant
params(0) = index
params(1) = VarPtr(ppTInfo)
For pIndex = 0 To UBound(params)
list(pIndex) = VarPtr(params(pIndex)): types(pIndex) = VarType(params(pIndex))
resultCall = DispCallFunc(obj, &H10, CC_STDCALL, vbLong, 2, types(0), list(0), pReturn)
If resultCall Then Err.Raise resultCall: Exit Function
ITypeLib_GetTypeInfo = pReturn
End Function
' // Call "ITypeLib:FindName" method.
Private Function ITypeLib_FindName( _
ByVal obj As IUnknown, _
ByRef szNameBuf As String, _
ByVal lHashVal As Long, _
ByRef ppTInfo As IUnknown, _
ByRef rgMemId As Long, _
ByRef pcFound As Integer) As Long
Dim params(4) As Variant
Dim types(4) As Integer
Dim list(4) As Long
Dim resultCall As Long
Dim pIndex As Long
Dim pReturn As Variant
params(0) = StrPtr(szNameBuf)
params(1) = lHashVal
params(2) = VarPtr(ppTInfo)
params(3) = VarPtr(rgMemId)
params(4) = VarPtr(pcFound)
For pIndex = 0 To UBound(params)
list(pIndex) = VarPtr(params(pIndex)): types(pIndex) = VarType(params(pIndex))
resultCall = DispCallFunc(obj, &H2C, CC_STDCALL, vbLong, 5, types(0), list(0), pReturn)
If resultCall Then Err.Raise resultCall: Exit Function
ITypeLib_FindName = pReturn
End Function
' // Call "ITypeInfo:GetTypeAttr" method.
Private Sub ITypeInfo_GetTypeAttr( _
ByVal obj As IUnknown, _
ByRef ppTypeAttr As Long)
Dim resultCall As Long
Dim pReturn As Variant
pReturn = VarPtr(ppTypeAttr)
resultCall = DispCallFunc(obj, &HC, CC_STDCALL, vbEmpty, 1, vbLong, VarPtr(pReturn), 0)
If resultCall Then Err.Raise resultCall: Exit Sub
End Sub
' // Call "ITypeInfo:GetDocumentation" method.
Private Function ITypeInfo_GetDocumentation( _
ByVal obj As IUnknown, _
ByVal memid As Long, _
ByRef pBstrName As String, _
ByRef pBstrDocString As String, _
ByRef pdwHelpContext As Long, _
ByRef pBstrHelpFile As String) As Long
Dim params(4) As Variant
Dim types(4) As Integer
Dim list(4) As Long
Dim resultCall As Long
Dim pIndex As Long
Dim pReturn As Variant
params(0) = memid
params(1) = VarPtr(pBstrName)
params(2) = VarPtr(pBstrDocString)
params(3) = VarPtr(pdwHelpContext)
params(4) = VarPtr(pBstrHelpFile)
For pIndex = 0 To UBound(params)
list(pIndex) = VarPtr(params(pIndex)): types(pIndex) = VarType(params(pIndex))
resultCall = DispCallFunc(obj, &H30, CC_STDCALL, vbLong, 5, types(0), list(0), pReturn)
If resultCall Then Err.Raise resultCall: Exit Function
ITypeInfo_GetDocumentation = pReturn
End Function
' // Call "ITypeInfo:ReleaseTypeAttr" method.
Private Sub ITypeInfo_ReleaseTypeAttr( _
ByVal obj As IUnknown, _
ByVal ppTypeAttr As Long)
Dim resultCall As Long
resultCall = DispCallFunc(obj, &H4C, CC_STDCALL, vbEmpty, 1, vbLong, VarPtr(CVar(ppTypeAttr)), 0)
If resultCall Then Err.Raise resultCall: Exit Sub
End Sub