Sebas » 05.12.2005 (Пн) 10:38
Public Shared Sub SetValue(ByVal keyName As String, ByVal valueName As String, ByVal value As Object, ByVal valueKind As Microsoft.Win32.RegistryValueKind)
Member of Microsoft.Win32.Registry
Sets the name/value pair on the specified registry key, using the specified registry data type. If the specified key does not exist, it is created.
keyName: The full registry path of the key, beginning with a valid registry root, such as "HKEY_CURRENT_USER".
valueKind: The registry data type to use when storing the data.
valueName: The name of the name/value pair.
value: The value to be stored.
System.ArgumentException: keyName does not begin with a valid registry root.-or-keyName is longer than the maximum length allowed (255 characters).-or- The type of value did not match the registry data type specified by valueKind, therefore the data could not be converted properly.
System.Security.SecurityException: The user does not have the permissions required to create or modify registry keys.
System.UnauthorizedAccessException: The Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey is read-only, and thus cannot be written to; for example, it is a root-level node, or the key has not been opened with write access.
System.ArgumentNullException: value is null.
- Я никогда не понимал, почему они приходят ко мне чтобы умирать?