Private Sub Form_Load()
If App.PrevInstance Then MsgBox "Уже был запущен" Else MsgBox "Ещё не был запущен"
End Sub
API-Guide писал(а):'Code by Adam Verwijs
Private Declare Function CreateMutex Lib "kernel32" Alias "CreateMutexA" (lpMutexAttributes As Any, ByVal bInitialOwner As Long, ByVal lpName As String) As Long
Private Declare Function ReleaseMutex Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hMutex As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function CloseHandle Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hObject As Long) As Long
Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim hMutex As Long
'Try to create a new Mutex
hMutex = CreateMutex(ByVal 0&, 1, App.Title)
'Did the mutex already exist?
If (Err.LastDllError = ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) Then
'Clean up
ReleaseMutex hMutex
CloseHandle hMutex
'More than one instance detected
MsgBox "More than one instance"
'form load code
End If
End Sub
Ennor писал(а):В разных папках работать не будет, т.к. разные полные пути. Эта штука работает только в пределах одного и того же ехе, из одного и того же места. Альтернатива - только мьютекс, как уже и было сказано...
Amed писал(а):Да, по-правильному нужен Mutex.
Кстати, меня App.PrevInstance тоже работает (XP/SP2);)
Работать не будет, если запустить то же приложение из другого места.API-Guide писал(а):'Code by Adam Verwijs
Private Declare Function CreateMutex Lib "kernel32" Alias "CreateMutexA" (lpMutexAttributes As Any, ByVal bInitialOwner As Long, ByVal lpName As String) As Long
Private Declare Function ReleaseMutex Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hMutex As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function CloseHandle Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hObject As Long) As Long
Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim hMutex As Long
'Try to create a new Mutex
hMutex = CreateMutex(ByVal 0&, 1, App.Title)
'Did the mutex already exist?
If (Err.LastDllError = ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) Then
'Clean up
ReleaseMutex hMutex
CloseHandle hMutex
'More than one instance detected
MsgBox "More than one instance"
'form load code
End If
End Sub
If a thread terminates without releasing its ownership of a mutex object, the mutex object is considered to be abandoned. A waiting thread can acquire ownership of an abandoned mutex object, but the wait function's return value indicates that the mutex object is abandoned. It is best to assume that an abandoned mutex object indicates that an error has occurred and that any shared resource being protected by the mutex object is in an undefined state. If the thread proceeds as though the mutex object had not been abandoned, its "abandoned" flag is cleared when the thread releases its ownership. This restores normal behavior if a handle to the mutex object is subsequently specified in a wait function.
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