Private Sub Timer5_Timer()
Dim p1 As Integer
Dim minn, horr, secc, dayy, montt As String
horr = Hour(Time)
minn = Minute(Time)
secc = Second(Time)
dayy = Day(Date)
montt = Month(Date)
Text15.Text = f1 & f2 & f3 & f4 & f5
Text11.Text = MSComm1.Input
p1 = InStr(1, Text11.Text, "$HEHDT", vbTextCompare)
If p1 > 0 Then p2 = InStr(1, Text11.Text, "chr(10)", vbTextCompare)
If p2 - p1 <> 0 Then Text14.Text = Mid(Text11.Text, 8, 5)
Form1.Text14.Text = Text14.Text
Form2.Text14.Text = Text14.Text
Form3.Text14.Text = Text14.Text
Form5.Text1.Text = Text14.Text
If Day(Date) < 10 Then dayy = "0" & Day(Date)
If Month(Date) < 10 Then montt = "0" & Month(Date)
If Hour(Time) < 10 Then horr = "0" & Hour(Time)
If Minute(Time) < 10 Then minn = "0" & Minute(Time)
If Second(Time) < 10 Then secc = "0" & Second(Time)
Text12.Text = horr & minn & secc
Text13.Text = dayy & "," & montt & "," & Year(Date)
test = "GPGGA,155750,3742.75,N,12203.32,W,1,03,002,0015,M,-00025,M"
f11 = "GPGGA," & Text12.Text & ".00,5956.75,N,03018.32,W,1,03,002,0015,M,-00025,M"
f1 = "$GPGGA," & Text12.Text & ".00,5956.75,N,03018.32,W,1,03,002,0015,M,-00025,M*" & kont_summ(f11) & Chr(13) & Chr(10)
f22 = "GPZDA," & Text12.Text & "," & Text13.Text & ",-03,,"
f2 = "$GPZDA," & Text12.Text & "," & Text13.Text & ",-03,,*" & kont_summ(f22) & Chr(13) & Chr(10)
f33 = "GPVTG," & Text14.Text & ",T,,M," & mid_point(CCur(Text4.Text)) & ",N,23.2,K"
f3 = "$GPVTG," & Text14.Text & ",T,,M," & mid_point(CCur(Text4.Text)) & ",N,23.2,K*" & kont_summ(f33) & Chr(13) & Chr(10)
f44 = "IIVHW," & Text14.Text & ",T,,M," & mid_point(speed) & ",N,23.2,K"
f4 = "$IIVHW," & Text14.Text & ",T,,M," & mid_point(speed) & ",N,23.2,K*" & kont_summ(f44) & Chr(13) & Chr(10)
f55 = "HEHDT," & Text14.Text & ",T"
f5 = "$HEHDT," & Text14.Text & ",T*" & kont_summ(f55) & Chr(13) & Chr(10)
MSComm1.Output = f1 & f2 & f3 & f4 & f5
MSComm2.Output = f1 & f2 & f3 & f4 & f5
End Sub
Dim scrolcren, scroldiff, tenter, texit As Long
Dim pusk, i, zasl, xaL(7), xaR(7) As Integer
Dim polzL, polzR, chast, temper, narabotka As Currency
Dim T As Long
Dim ss As Integer
Dim f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, f11, f22, f33, f44, f55 As String
Const pi = 3.1415926
Private Sub Command2_Click(Index As Integer)
ss = ss + 1
If ss > 1 Then ss = 0
If ss = 1 Then Form1.Timer7.Enabled = True
If ss = 0 Then Form1.Timer7.Enabled = False
If ss = 0 Then Form1.Timer8.Enabled = False
If ss = 0 Then Form1.Timer9.Enabled = False
If ss = 0 Then Form1.Timer10.Enabled = False
If ss = 0 Then Form1.Image6.Visible = True
If ss = 1 Then Form1.Image6.Visible = False
If pusk = 0 Then
pusk = 1
Command2(0).Picture = LoadPicture("bmp\stop.bmp")
Command2(1).Picture = LoadPicture("bmp\stop.bmp")
HScroll1.Enabled = True
Text5.Text = "8.0"
Text6.Text = "8.0"
Text9(2).Text = "3.5"
Text9(10).Text = "3.5"
xaL(2) = 218
xaR(2) = 897
Text9(3).Text = "2.5"
Text9(11).Text = "2.5"
xaL(3) = 161
xaR(3) = 840
x52.x = 442
x52.y = 196
x62.x = 801
x62.y = 196
Timer2.Enabled = True
pusk = 0
Command2(0).Picture = LoadPicture("bmp\pusk.bmp")
Command2(1).Picture = LoadPicture("bmp\pusk.bmp")
HScroll1.Enabled = False
x52.x = 411
x52.y = 272
x62.x = 769
x62.y = 272
Text5.Text = "0"
Text6.Text = "0"
xaL(2) = 25
xaR(2) = 702
xaL(3) = 25
xaR(3) = 702
Text9(2).Text = "0"
Text9(10).Text = "0"
Text9(3).Text = "0"
Text9(11).Text = "0"
Timer2.Enabled = False
End If
HScroll1.Value = 500
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
MSComm1.PortOpen = True
MSComm2.PortOpen = True
narabotka = 128.2
Text10(0).Text = 0
Text10(1).Text = 0
Text10(2).Text = 1
Text10(3).Text = 2
Text10(4).Text = 8
Text10(5).Text = 2
zasl = 0
speed = 0#
chast = 0
PenW.Style = PS_SOLID
PenW.Color = &HFF00FF
PenW.Width.x = 4
PenW.Width.y = 0
x1.x = 270
x1.y = 411
x2.x = 1224
x2.y = 412
x12.x = 63
x12.y = 411
x22.x = 1018
x22.y = 411
x3.x = 516
x3.y = 433
x4.x = 874
x4.y = 433
x32.x = 410
x32.y = 433
x42.x = 768
x22.y = 433
x5.x = 517
x5.y = 272
x6.x = 875
x6.y = 272
x52.x = 411
x52.y = 272
x62.x = 769
x62.y = 272
Text5.Text = "0"
Text6.Text = "0"
Text7.Text = "0"
Text8.Text = "0"
xaL(2) = 25
xaR(2) = 702
xaL(3) = 25
xaR(3) = 702
Text9(2).Text = "0"
Text9(10).Text = "0"
Text9(3).Text = "0"
Text9(11).Text = "0"
Text9(7).Text = "125"
Text9(15).Text = "125"
xaL(6) = 366
xaR(6) = 1045
Text9(6).Text = "0"
Text9(14).Text = "0"
Call create_0
Timer1.Enabled = True
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
Call Destroy
End Sub
Private Sub line_0()
Dim a, aa As POINTAPI
Dim b As Boolean
a = MoveToEx(MDC1, xa.x, xa.y, aa)
b = LineTo(MDC1, xb.x, xb.y)
End Sub
Private Sub refr()
Dim temp_bmp As String
BitBlt MDC1, 0, 0, 1280, 1024, MDC2, 0, 0, SRCCOPY
'øêàëà êðåíà
BitBlt MDC1, 549, 171, 172, 56, MDC11, scrolcren, 0, SRCCOPY
BitBlt MDC1, 585, 192, 100, 76, MDC8, 0, 0, SRCPAINT
BitBlt MDC1, 585, 192, 100, 76, MDC7, 0, 0, SRCAND
BitBlt MDC1, 585, 192, 100, 76, MDC7, 0, 0, SRCAND
'øêàëà äèôôåðåíòà
BitBlt MDC1, 574, 328, 62, 118, MDC12, 0, scroldiff, SRCCOPY
BitBlt MDC1, 603, 368, 122, 41, MDC10, 0, 0, SRCPAINT
BitBlt MDC1, 603, 368, 122, 41, MDC9, 0, 0, SRCAND
BitBlt MDC1, 603, 368, 122, 41, MDC9, 0, 0, SRCAND
BitBlt MDC1, polzL, 850, 15, 25, MDC4, 0, 0, SRCPAINT
BitBlt MDC1, polzL, 850, 15, 25, MDC3, 0, 0, SRCAND
BitBlt MDC1, polzL, 850, 15, 25, MDC3, 0, 0, SRCAND
BitBlt MDC1, polzR, 850, 15, 25, MDC4, 0, 0, SRCPAINT
BitBlt MDC1, polzR, 850, 15, 25, MDC3, 0, 0, SRCAND
BitBlt MDC1, polzR, 850, 15, 25, MDC3, 0, 0, SRCAND
BitBlt MDC1, tenter, 473, 15, 25, MDC14, 0, 0, SRCPAINT
BitBlt MDC1, tenter, 473, 15, 25, MDC13, 0, 0, SRCAND
BitBlt MDC1, tenter, 473, 15, 25, MDC13, 0, 0, SRCAND
BitBlt MDC1, tenter + 679, 473, 15, 25, MDC14, 0, 0, SRCPAINT
BitBlt MDC1, tenter + 679, 473, 15, 25, MDC13, 0, 0, SRCAND
BitBlt MDC1, tenter + 679, 473, 15, 25, MDC13, 0, 0, SRCAND
BitBlt MDC1, texit, 528, 15, 25, MDC4, 0, 0, SRCPAINT
BitBlt MDC1, texit, 528, 15, 25, MDC3, 0, 0, SRCAND
BitBlt MDC1, texit, 528, 15, 25, MDC3, 0, 0, SRCAND
BitBlt MDC1, texit + 679, 528, 15, 25, MDC4, 0, 0, SRCPAINT
BitBlt MDC1, texit + 679, 528, 15, 25, MDC3, 0, 0, SRCAND
BitBlt MDC1, texit + 679, 528, 15, 25, MDC3, 0, 0, SRCAND
BitBlt MDC1, xaL(2), 612, 15, 25, MDC4, 0, 0, SRCPAINT
BitBlt MDC1, xaL(2), 612, 15, 25, MDC3, 0, 0, SRCAND
BitBlt MDC1, xaL(2), 612, 15, 25, MDC3, 0, 0, SRCAND
BitBlt MDC1, xaR(2), 612, 15, 25, MDC4, 0, 0, SRCPAINT
BitBlt MDC1, xaR(2), 612, 15, 25, MDC3, 0, 0, SRCAND
BitBlt MDC1, xaR(2), 612, 15, 25, MDC3, 0, 0, SRCAND
BitBlt MDC1, xaL(3), 677, 15, 25, MDC4, 0, 0, SRCPAINT
BitBlt MDC1, xaL(3), 677, 15, 25, MDC3, 0, 0, SRCAND
BitBlt MDC1, xaL(3), 677, 15, 25, MDC3, 0, 0, SRCAND
BitBlt MDC1, xaR(3), 677, 15, 25, MDC4, 0, 0, SRCPAINT
BitBlt MDC1, xaR(3), 677, 15, 25, MDC3, 0, 0, SRCAND
BitBlt MDC1, xaR(3), 677, 15, 25, MDC3, 0, 0, SRCAND
BitBlt MDC1, tenter, 728, 15, 25, MDC14, 0, 0, SRCPAINT
BitBlt MDC1, tenter, 728, 15, 25, MDC13, 0, 0, SRCAND
BitBlt MDC1, tenter, 728, 15, 25, MDC13, 0, 0, SRCAND
BitBlt MDC1, tenter + 679, 728, 15, 25, MDC14, 0, 0, SRCPAINT
BitBlt MDC1, tenter + 679, 728, 15, 25, MDC13, 0, 0, SRCAND
BitBlt MDC1, tenter + 679, 728, 15, 25, MDC13, 0, 0, SRCAND
BitBlt MDC1, texit, 783, 15, 25, MDC4, 0, 0, SRCPAINT
BitBlt MDC1, texit, 783, 15, 25, MDC3, 0, 0, SRCAND
BitBlt MDC1, texit, 783, 15, 25, MDC3, 0, 0, SRCAND
BitBlt MDC1, texit + 679, 783, 15, 25, MDC4, 0, 0, SRCPAINT
BitBlt MDC1, texit + 679, 783, 15, 25, MDC3, 0, 0, SRCAND
BitBlt MDC1, texit + 679, 783, 15, 25, MDC3, 0, 0, SRCAND
BitBlt MDC1, xaL(6), 929, 15, 25, MDC4, 0, 0, SRCPAINT
BitBlt MDC1, xaL(6), 929, 15, 25, MDC3, 0, 0, SRCAND
BitBlt MDC1, xaL(6), 929, 15, 25, MDC3, 0, 0, SRCAND
BitBlt MDC1, xaR(6), 929, 15, 25, MDC4, 0, 0, SRCPAINT
BitBlt MDC1, xaR(6), 929, 15, 25, MDC3, 0, 0, SRCAND
BitBlt MDC1, xaR(6), 929, 15, 25, MDC3, 0, 0, SRCAND
MDC5 = CreateCompatibleDC(CDC)
MDC6 = CreateCompatibleDC(CDC)
Select Case zasl
Case 0: temp_bmp = "bmp\zasl_r.bmp"
Case 1: temp_bmp = "bmp\zasl_close.bmp"
Case 2: temp_bmp = "bmp\zasl_a.bmp"
Case 3: temp_bmp = "bmp\zasl_close.bmp"
End Select
oldobj4 = SelectObject(MDC5, LoadPicture(temp_bmp))
oldobj5 = SelectObject(MDC6, LoadPicture("bmp\zasl_mask.bmp"))
BitBlt MDC1, 320, 394, 60, 60, MDC6, 0, 0, SRCPAINT
BitBlt MDC1, 320, 394, 60, 60, MDC5, 0, 0, SRCAND
BitBlt MDC1, 320, 394, 60, 60, MDC5, 0, 0, SRCAND
BitBlt MDC1, 898, 393, 60, 60, MDC6, 0, 0, SRCPAINT
BitBlt MDC1, 898, 393, 60, 60, MDC5, 0, 0, SRCAND
BitBlt MDC1, 898, 393, 60, 60, MDC5, 0, 0, SRCAND
newobj = SelectObject(MDC6, oldobj5)
DeleteObject newobj
newobj = SelectObject(MDC5, oldobj4)
DeleteObject newobj
xa = x1
xb = x12
Call line_0
xa = x2
xb = x22
Call line_0
oldobj4 = SelectObject(MDC5, LoadPicture("bmp\oborot.bmp"))
oldobj5 = SelectObject(MDC6, LoadPicture("bmp\oborot_mask.bmp"))
BitBlt MDC1, 171, 319, 144, 129, MDC6, 0, 0, SRCPAINT
BitBlt MDC1, 171, 319, 144, 129, MDC5, 0, 0, SRCAND
BitBlt MDC1, 171, 319, 144, 129, MDC5, 0, 0, SRCAND
BitBlt MDC1, 1125, 320, 144, 129, MDC6, 0, 0, SRCPAINT
BitBlt MDC1, 1125, 320, 144, 129, MDC5, 0, 0, SRCAND
BitBlt MDC1, 1125, 320, 144, 129, MDC5, 0, 0, SRCAND
newobj = SelectObject(MDC6, oldobj5)
DeleteObject newobj
newobj = SelectObject(MDC5, oldobj4)
DeleteObject newobj
xa = x3
xb = x32
Call line_0
xa = x4
xb = x42
Call line_0
oldobj4 = SelectObject(MDC5, LoadPicture("bmp\tempoug.bmp"))
oldobj5 = SelectObject(MDC6, LoadPicture("bmp\tempoug_mask.bmp"))
BitBlt MDC1, 451, 366, 85, 86, MDC6, 0, 0, SRCPAINT
BitBlt MDC1, 451, 366, 85, 86, MDC5, 0, 0, SRCAND
BitBlt MDC1, 451, 366, 85, 86, MDC5, 0, 0, SRCAND
BitBlt MDC1, 809, 366, 85, 86, MDC6, 0, 0, SRCPAINT
BitBlt MDC1, 809, 366, 85, 86, MDC5, 0, 0, SRCAND
BitBlt MDC1, 809, 366, 85, 86, MDC5, 0, 0, SRCAND
newobj = SelectObject(MDC6, oldobj5)
DeleteObject newobj
newobj = SelectObject(MDC5, oldobj4)
DeleteObject newobj
xa = x5
xb = x52
Call line_0
xa = x6
xb = x62
Call line_0
oldobj4 = SelectObject(MDC5, LoadPicture("bmp\dm.bmp"))
oldobj5 = SelectObject(MDC6, LoadPicture("bmp\dm_mask.bmp"))
BitBlt MDC1, 452, 205, 79, 81, MDC6, 0, 0, SRCPAINT
BitBlt MDC1, 452, 205, 79, 81, MDC5, 0, 0, SRCAND
BitBlt MDC1, 452, 205, 79, 81, MDC5, 0, 0, SRCAND
BitBlt MDC1, 810, 205, 79, 81, MDC6, 0, 0, SRCPAINT
BitBlt MDC1, 810, 205, 79, 81, MDC5, 0, 0, SRCAND
BitBlt MDC1, 810, 205, 79, 81, MDC5, 0, 0, SRCAND
newobj = SelectObject(MDC6, oldobj5)
DeleteObject newobj
newobj = SelectObject(MDC5, oldobj4)
DeleteObject newobj
DeleteDC MDC5
DeleteDC MDC6
BitBlt CDC, 0, 0, 1280, 1024, MDC1, 0, 0, SRCCOPY
End Sub
Private Sub Image_timer_Click()
Text_Timer.Text = 0
Image_timer.Visible = False
End Sub
Private Sub Image1_Click(Index As Integer)
zasl = zasl + 1
If zasl > 3 Then zasl = 0
End Sub
Private Sub Image2_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub Timer_Timer()
T = T - 1
If T = 3 Then Call sndPlaySound("sound\timer.wav", 1)
If T < 0 Then
T = 0
Text_Timer.ToolTipText = "Äâîéíîé êëèê -->Ââåäèòå êîëëè÷åñòâî ìèíóò 0..60 (áåç ñåêóíä), ëèáî â ðàçðÿäíîì ôîðìàòå òèïà 15,5"
Timer.Enabled = False
ZERO_TIMER.Visible = False
VKL_TIMER.Visible = True
Form2.ZERO_TIMER.Visible = False
Form2.VKL_TIMER.Visible = True
Form3.ZERO_TIMER.Visible = False
Form3.VKL_TIMER.Visible = True
Form1.ZERO_TIMER.Visible = False
Form1.VKL_TIMER.Visible = True
Form5.ZERO_TIMER.Visible = False
Form5.VKL_TIMER.Visible = True
End If
Text_Timer.Text = (T \ 60) & ":" & ((T \ 10) Mod 6) & (T Mod 10)
If Text_Timer.Text = "0:00" Then Text_Timer.Text = 0
End Sub
Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
Dim angle, angle1, w, scrol, tp, tmp0, tmpp0, tmpp1, tmpp2 As Currency
Static T As Currency
w = Sin(pi * T / 180#)
T = T + 3
If T = 360 Then T = 0
tmpp2 = HScroll1.Value * pusk
If chast < tmpp2 Then chast = chast + 25
If chast > tmpp2 Then chast = chast - 25
Text1(0).Text = CStr(chast)
Text1(1).Text = Text1(0).Text
angle = chast * 90# / 3000#
tmpp1 = Cos(pi / 180 * angle)
x12.x = x1.x - 206 * tmpp1
x12.y = x1.y - 206 * Sin(pi / 180 * angle)
x22.x = x2.x - 206 * tmpp1
x22.y = x12.y
If chast > 750 Then
tmp0 = 0.025 * (chast - 500)
Else: tmp0 = 0
End If
'skorost lag
If speed < tmp0 Then speed = speed + 0.2
If speed > tmp0 Then speed = speed - 0.2
If chast <= 500 Then
tmpp0 = 0.9 * chast / 100
If temper < tmpp0 Then temper = temper + 0.1
If temper > tmpp0 Then temper = temper - 0.1
End If
If chast > 500 Then
tmpp0 = 4.5 + chast / 1500
If temper < tmpp0 Then temper = temper + 0.1
If temper > tmpp0 Then temper = temper - 0.1
End If
Text7.Text = CStr(Round(temper * 100, 0))
Text8.Text = Text7.Text
If temper > 3 Then
angle = (temper - 3) * 19 ' (18)!!
angle = 0
End If
tmpp1 = Cos(pi / 180 * angle)
x32.x = x3.x - 106 * tmpp1
x32.y = x3.y - 106 * Sin(pi / 180 * angle)
x42.x = x4.x - 106 * tmpp1
x42.y = x32.y
Text9(6).Text = CStr(Round(1.4 * speed / 60, 2))
Text9(14).Text = Text9(6).Text
' Âû÷èñëÿåòñÿ ñäâèã øêàëû êðåíà
scrol = 9 * w
scrolcren = scrol \ 1 + 155
Text2.Text = CStr(Round(scrol / 6#, 1))
' Âû÷èñëÿåòñÿ ñäâèã øêàëû äèôôåðåíòà
scrol = 12 * w
scroldiff = scrol \ 1 + 180
Text3.Text = CStr(Round(-1# * scrol / 6#, 1))
polzL = 22 + 390 * speed / 60
polzR = 22 + 390 * speed / 60 + 679
If chast < 500 Then
tenter = 110 + 44# / 500 * chast
texit = 110 + chast / 5
Text9(0).Text = CStr(Round(22 + 13# / 500 * chast, 1))
Text9(1).Text = CStr(Round(22 + 27# / 500 * chast, 1))
End If
Text9(8).Text = Text9(0).Text
Text9(9).Text = Text9(1).Text
Text9(4).Text = Text9(0).Text
Text9(5).Text = Text9(1).Text
Text9(12).Text = Text9(0).Text
Text9(13).Text = Text9(1).Text
Call refr
End Sub
Private Sub Timer2_Timer()
Dim tnarab As String
Dim klm As Integer
Static ijk As Integer
ijk = ijk + 1
If ijk = 360 Then ' 6 minut (0.1 h)
ijk = 0
narabotka = narabotka + 0.1
End If
tnarab = format0(5, 1, narabotka)
For klm = 0 To 4
Text10(klm).Text = Mid(tnarab, klm + 1, 1)
Next klm
Text10(5).Text = Mid(tnarab, 7, 1)
End Sub
Private Function format0(x1f, x2f, e) As String
Dim d, c(20) As String
Dim ij, z, zap, doz, poz As Integer
zap = -1
d = ""
z = Len(e)
For ij = 1 To z
c(ij) = Mid(e, ij, 1)
If c(ij) = "," Then
zap = ij
poz = z - zap
doz = z - poz - 1
End If
Next ij
If zap > 0 Then
For ij = 1 To x1f - doz
d = d + "0"
Next ij
For ij = 1 To zap
d = d + c(ij)
Next ij
If x2f >= poz Then
For ij = zap + 1 To z
d = d + c(ij)
Next ij
If x2f > poz Then
For ij = 1 To x2f - poz
d = d + "0"
Next ij
End If
End If
If x2f < poz Then
For ij = 1 To x2f
d = d + c(zap + ij)
Next ij
End If
For ij = 1 To x1f - z
d = d + "0"
Next ij
For ij = 1 To z
d = d + c(ij)
Next ij
d = d + "."
For ij = 1 To x2f
d = d + "0"
Next ij
End If
format0 = d
End Function
Private Sub Timer3_Timer()
'skorost gnss
If chast > 750 Then
Text4.Text = CStr(Round(speed + Rnd, 1))
Text4.Text = "0"
End If
pole_time.Text = Time
pole_data.Text = Date
End Sub
Private Sub Timer4_Timer()
If Form3.Timer = True Then Text_Timer = Form3.Text_Timer
If Form1.Timer = True Then Text_Timer = Form1.Text_Timer
If Form2.Timer = True Then Text_Timer = Form2.Text_Timer
If Form5.Timer = True Then Text_Timer = Form5.Text_Timer
End Sub
Private Sub VKL_TIMER_Click()
If Text_Timer < 61 Then
VKL_TIMER.Visible = False
ZERO_TIMER.Visible = True
Form2.VKL_TIMER.Visible = False
Form2.ZERO_TIMER.Visible = True
Form3.VKL_TIMER.Visible = False
Form3.ZERO_TIMER.Visible = True
Form1.VKL_TIMER.Visible = False
Form1.ZERO_TIMER.Visible = True
Form5.VKL_TIMER.Visible = False
Form5.ZERO_TIMER.Visible = True
Timer.Enabled = True
Text_Timer.ToolTipText = "Âíèìàíèå!!! Òàéìåð âêëþ÷¸í! Ïåðåä ââîäîì íîâîãî çíà÷åíèÿ òàéìåð ñëåäóåò îáíóëèòü!"
Image_timer.Visible = True
End If
T = Text_Timer.Text * 60
End Sub
Private Sub ZERO_TIMER_Click()
Timer.Enabled = False
Form1.Timer.Enabled = False
Form2.Timer.Enabled = False
Form3.Timer.Enabled = False
Form5.Timer.Enabled = False
Text_Timer.Text = 0
Form2.Text_Timer.Text = 0
Form3.Text_Timer.Text = 0
Form1.Text_Timer.Text = 0
Form5.Text_Timer.Text = 0
ZERO_TIMER.Visible = False
VKL_TIMER.Visible = True
Form2.ZERO_TIMER.Visible = False
Form2.VKL_TIMER.Visible = True
Form3.ZERO_TIMER.Visible = False
Form3.VKL_TIMER.Visible = True
Form1.ZERO_TIMER.Visible = False
Form1.VKL_TIMER.Visible = True
Form5.ZERO_TIMER.Visible = False
Form5.VKL_TIMER.Visible = True
Text_Timer.ToolTipText = "Äâîéíîé êëèê -->Ââåäèòå êîëëè÷åñòâî ìèíóò 0..60 (áåç ñåêóíä), ëèáî â ðàçðÿäíîì ôîðìàòå òèïà 15,5"
End Sub
Private Sub Timer5_Timer()
Dim p1 As Integer
Dim minn, horr, secc, dayy, montt As String
horr = Hour(Time)
minn = Minute(Time)
secc = Second(Time)
dayy = Day(Date)
montt = Month(Date)
Text15.Text = f1 & f2 & f3 & f4 & f5
Text11.Text = MSComm1.Input
p1 = InStr(1, Text11.Text, "$HEHDT", vbTextCompare)
If p1 > 0 Then p2 = InStr(1, Text11.Text, "chr(10)", vbTextCompare)
If p2 - p1 <> 0 Then Text14.Text = Mid(Text11.Text, 8, 5)
Form1.Text14.Text = Text14.Text
Form2.Text14.Text = Text14.Text
Form3.Text14.Text = Text14.Text
Form5.Text1.Text = Text14.Text
If Day(Date) < 10 Then dayy = "0" & Day(Date)
If Month(Date) < 10 Then montt = "0" & Month(Date)
If Hour(Time) < 10 Then horr = "0" & Hour(Time)
If Minute(Time) < 10 Then minn = "0" & Minute(Time)
If Second(Time) < 10 Then secc = "0" & Second(Time)
Text12.Text = horr & minn & secc
Text13.Text = dayy & "," & montt & "," & Year(Date)
test = "GPGGA,155750,3742.75,N,12203.32,W,1,03,002,0015,M,-00025,M"
f11 = "GPGGA," & Text12.Text & ".00,5956.75,N,03018.32,W,1,03,002,0015,M,-00025,M"
f1 = "$GPGGA," & Text12.Text & ".00,5956.75,N,03018.32,W,1,03,002,0015,M,-00025,M*" & kont_summ(f11) & Chr(13) & Chr(10)
f22 = "GPZDA," & Text12.Text & "," & Text13.Text & ",-03,,"
f2 = "$GPZDA," & Text12.Text & "," & Text13.Text & ",-03,,*" & kont_summ(f22) & Chr(13) & Chr(10)
f33 = "GPVTG," & Text14.Text & ",T,,M," & mid_point(CCur(Text4.Text)) & ",N,23.2,K"
f3 = "$GPVTG," & Text14.Text & ",T,,M," & mid_point(CCur(Text4.Text)) & ",N,23.2,K*" & kont_summ(f33) & Chr(13) & Chr(10)
f44 = "IIVHW," & Text14.Text & ",T,,M," & mid_point(speed) & ",N,23.2,K"
f4 = "$IIVHW," & Text14.Text & ",T,,M," & mid_point(speed) & ",N,23.2,K*" & kont_summ(f44) & Chr(13) & Chr(10)
f55 = "HEHDT," & Text14.Text & ",T"
f5 = "$HEHDT," & Text14.Text & ",T*" & kont_summ(f55) & Chr(13) & Chr(10)
MSComm1.Output = f1 & f2 & f3 & f4 & f5
MSComm2.Output = f1 & f2 & f3 & f4 & f5
End Sub
Function mid_point(xxxxx As Currency) As String
Dim vcomp_t As Currency
Dim vcomp_s As String
vcomp_t = Round(xxxxx, 1)
vcomp_s = vcomp_t
If vcomp_t < 10 Then vcomp_s = "0" & vcomp_t
If vcomp_t \ 1 = vcomp_t Then
vcomp_s = vcomp_s + ".0"
vcomp_s = Left(vcomp_s, 2) & "." & Right(vcomp_s, 1)
End If
mid_point = vcomp_s
End Function
' lag mid_point(speed)
' gnns mid_point(CCur(text4.text))
Private Function kont_summ(OutB1)
Dim ksi(2) As Byte
ksi(0) = 0
For i = 1 To Len(OutB1)
ksi(0) = ksi(0) Xor Asc(Right(Left(OutB1, i), 1))
Next i
ksi(1) = Int(ksi(0) / 16)
ksi(0) = ksi(0) Mod 16
For i = 0 To 1
Select Case ksi(i)
Case 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
ksi(i) = ksi(i) + 48
Case 10
ksi(i) = Asc("A")
Case 11
ksi(i) = Asc("B")
Case 12
ksi(i) = Asc("C")
Case 13
ksi(i) = Asc("D")
Case 14
ksi(i) = Asc("E")
Case 15
ksi(i) = Asc("F")
End Select
Next i
kont_summ = Chr(ksi(1)) & Chr(ksi(0))
End Function
Form5.Text1.Text = Text14.Text
MSComm1.Output = f1 & f2 & f3 & f4 & f5
MSComm2.Output = f1 & f2 & f3 & f4 & f5
With Me.MSComm1
.CommPort = 1
.DTREnable = True
.Handshaking = comRTS
.InBufferSize = 0
.InputLen = 0
.InputMode = comInputModeText
.NullDiscard = True
.OutBufferSize = 1024
.ParityReplace = "?"
.RThreshold = 1
.SThreshold = 1
.RTSEnable = True
.Settings = "4800, n, 8, 1"
.PortOpen = True
End With
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